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"Umm... I want to start by saying that I'm sorry for the way I acted and treated you. That was not mature of me. I could've done it differently." Mom said. She let out a breath and flipped her hair. "When I saw that video online I didn't know what to do. I felt heartbroken that you were being treated that way. So I thought maybe if I kept you home it would... I don't know. Keep you from getting hurt. But in reality it was me hurting you. Which caused you to run away." She explained.

"You could've just talked to me mom. Instead you acted weird and creepy." I said. "I was creepy?" She asked. "Mom you let me skip school to go shopping and get a massage." I said. "But now that I think about it that was a great idea. Normani had some nice boobs." I said and chuckled. Mom looked at me with wide eyes. "But the point is you could've just talked me about it." I quickly said. "I didn't know how to talk to you about it." She said.

"I mean you could've just like you are now." I said. Mom rolled her eyes. "Yeah I realize that now. Look I'm sorry and I'll do anything to make it up to you." She said. "Anything?" I asked. "Yes anything." She said. I rubbed my chin as I thought. "A steak dinner, for me to see Sky again, and two tickets to Incredibles 2. Sky wants to see it and I want to take her on a date. It's a win-win situation." I told her. "Deal. Now go see Skylar. Racheal says she was crying." She said. We hugged then I left.


I knocked on Sky's bedroom door since it was locked. "If your not Y/n go away!" She yelled. "Well its a good thing I am Y/n." I said. I heard her quickly get up and unlocked the door. Then she jumped in my arms. Wrapping her legs around my waist. "You scared me." Sky said into my neck. I walked to her bed and sat down. "I'm sorry baby. I was upset and walked out." I said and pecked her cheek. She sat up and looked into my eyes. I could tell she was crying from how red they are. "Just promise me you won't do it again?" She asked. "I promise. But if I do I'll take you with me." I said making her giggle. "Deal." She said before kissing me.

A/n~ I had something to say. But... I don't know.



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