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"Daddy!" I yelled excitedly and ran to him. He squatted down and opened his arms. "Hey babygirl." He said and wrapped his arms around me. "How you doing?" He asked me. "Good. I got you candy." I told him. "Oh really? Where is it?" He asked. I took off my backpack mommy bought me and unzipped it. "'ou can pick one." I told him. When he got his candy I closed my bag back up. Then I put it back on. "Come on little one. Angel and Jailynn want to see you." He picked me up and grabbed mommy's hand.

"How are you beautiful?" He asked her. "I'm good. Glad to be off that plane. What about you?" Mommy asked him. "I'm happy you two are here. I missed y'all." Daddy said. "Aww... we missed you too. Didn't we Y/n?" Mommy asked me. "Yeah! We missed you a lot."


"Look who's here." Daddy said as we came into the room. "Y/n! Give me my niece Ty." Tete Angel said. He took me over and she started kissing me all over my face. "Hey! Stop it." I said laughing. "But I missed you." She said. "I missed you too." I took off my backpack and opened it. "You can have some candy." I told her. "Awww... thank you baby. Keep it in your bag and I'll get it later." I nodded and went to Jailynn. "Do you want some candy sister?" I asked her. "Thanks Y/n." Jailynn thanked me and got a piece out.

"I got to peepee." I said holding my self and bouncing around. "I'll take her." Daddy said. He grabbed my hand and took me to the bathroom that was in the room. "You need help?" He asked me. "No sir. I got it. See?" I said. I pulled down my pants and pull ups. Then I aimed and peed in the toilet like he taught me at nana's house. "Good job baby." He said. Helped me wash my hands cause I couldn't reach. Then we went back out and played.


Right now I'm with Jailyn and Tete Angel on the side of the stage. Mommy and daddy were on the stage singing. They doing really good too. I like it but it's to loud. And I'm sleepy.

A/n~what would you girls/guys like to see next? Running low on ideas for baby Y/n. Then of taking the age up.



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