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A/n~ I changed Angels name to Amber. I'll go back and change it in the other chapters.

"Race you to the water?" Amber asked. "Sure. Let me finish putting this umbrella up." I told her. As you know we decided to go to the beach after school. Katy's with us as well. Since none of us can drive and we need an adult with us. I stabbed the umbrella in the ground and made sure it didn't fall. When it didn't I smile to myself. Proud I didn't embarrass myself again like last time. I was not having a good day that day. "So you and Andrew will being racing against Skylar and I." Amber said.

"Ok let's do it." I said confident we'd would win. We got in position and waited for Kate to count us down. "1... 2... 3... Go!" Kate shouted. But the thing is Andrew and I couldn't move. No matter how hard we tried. Skylar and Amber were already half way to the water. I looked back to see Kate holding the back of our trunks. "Hey! Katy that's not fair." I whined. "Sorry Y/n. They gave me a cookie to do it." She said laughing. When she finally let go, which was when they made it to the water, we ran over. "You girls are cheaters." I said with a frown.  "Aww... don't pout Y/n." Amber mocked and playfully pinched my cheeks.

"Yeah. Not cool." Andrew mumbled. I swatted Ambers hands away from my face. "You'll be fine." Amber said and poked my side. "Let's swim!" Skylar blurted out. "Body slam!" I yelled. I picked up Sky and threw her in the water. She let out a squeal before going under. When she came back up she gave me a death glare. "You have 5 seconds to run." Sky said through gritted teeth. "Technically I can't run since we're in the ocean." I said sarcastically. "Seriously dude? Are you really questioning her right now?" Amber asked in disbelief.

"Are are you dumb?" Andrew mumbled. "Oh right. I should go now. Bye!" I said before diving in the water and swimming off.


"I still can't believe my dad asked you social security, birth certificate, and about what you've done in your life Katy. Plus took a picture of your license plate. So embarrassing." Amber said before dipping her fry in ketchup and eating it. We decided to go to this cool restaurant to eat. "Oh don't worry. He was just trying to make sure his kids were safe." Kate said chuckling. "Yeah. Even my dad did that when Camila offered Sky and I a ride home." I said. "Why? Doesn't he know her already? They did a song and music video together." Andrew asked. "Yes but he said it was incase she tried to kidnap us." I explained.

We talked about different things until it was time to go. Amber and Andrews dad came to get them from my house. Skylar spent the night. Then we fell asleep. In separate rooms tho. Mom says since we're older we can't share anymore.

A/n~ I bought forgot to update. Anyways I was watching the filming of my grandmas funeral. It was my first time seeing it since I was 1 month old when she passed. But there was this part in it where this older woman was talking about my grandma. In the back you can see the choir. One of the woman was feeling what the older lady was talking bout and shouted. I mean Holy Ghost shout. And she scared the shit out the the girl next to her. 😂😂😂 She bout ran off the stage. That had my brother, sister, and I dying laughing.



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