17| Those Awkward Kissing Scenes

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Those Awkward Kissing Scenes

Dedicated to EmeraldChip , because he's been able to be the fifth comment twice in a row and unfortunately failed on the third go, so we'll give him another chance.

And he's been awesome support, commenting and voting and whatnot.

Much love, guys <3


I was watching The NoteBook today, and during that rain kiss I was like



But I guess this was expected. Like, with all the romance I read, there was bound to be something remotely sexual at some point.

A kiss is, in fact, considered somewhat sexual, but the generation of today wouldn't know that, would they now.

It's sad, so sad.

Lol. I'm so stupid. Anyway, let's get right to it.

So in reading all these kissing scenes, I'm starting to notice some phrases which these authors have overused so darn much it's like they're all the same person. Like seriously, these have been chewed, swallowed, churned, regurgitated, re-chewed, spat out, eaten back in, and I guess they all ultimately have been shat out. And then used again.

I'm so graphic, it's scary.

So here are a list of a few phrases which have been recycled to submission.

Feel free to comment on the ones I've missed out though! My memory clearly proved to be shit as we evidently saw in the rant about Overused Names, and you guys reminded me of so many names I shouldn't have missed out on.

So if you can, you must so the same here. It is your duty.

Lol jokes.

I'm not even funny.

Swiftly moving on, here we go.

1. "His lips crashed into mine..."

This is usually the thing author's use when there's been so much sexual tension building up

That's mainly because the girl hast realised she likes him, (lol, refer to rant #5). Or, she's hated him all along until she discovers that she doesn't.

So like I understand that y'all have been sexually frustrated since the first time you looked into each others eyes (lol), but I still don't understand why it's got to be so violent.


When I think of people's lips 'crashing', I feel like it's a little bit painful. Like what's the guarantee that you'll have a safe landing? They may not have thick, lush lips to comfort the fall.

On second thought, of course they do. This is wattpad. Everyone is ?just oozing the full package of sexiness.

When I always read that, I pause for a second, like

no need to treat the lips like they are vehicles guys pls lips have feelings too

vehicles are against crashes, like even airplanes and lips too.

so be nice we don't want to be featured on Aircraft Investigation pls pls

I don't understand what goes on in my head either.

2. "He pushed his tongue through, asking for entrance..."

So from vehicles we go to doors.

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