Chapter 83: Best Friends

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Chapter 83: Best Friends


I hear footsteps down the hall as I go and check as I see Harry hurrying to the restroom. I go and knock.


"Harry you okay?"

"I'm fine Roxy."

I open the door and my eyes widen seeing he has a bruise on his left cheek.

"What happened?!"

"Your dad is what happened," he sighs as he washes his face.

"Here come on," I grab his hand leading him downstairs. I go and grab a paper towel and put some ice on it wrapping it up as I press it gently to his cheek. He winces a bit but then relaxes.

"I'm sorry Roxanne."

"For what? Wait why did my father do this to you?"

"He heard me talking to Liam about us."


"He knows, and I'm sorry it's my fault."

I sigh and sit next to him.

"I'll talk to him. Wait is he telling mom?"

"He said he won't with the condition of me leaving you."

"That's insane. But you're still with my mom Harry—"

"I'm going to end things with her I promise. Just for the while, we can't let Louis find out we are still seeing each other."

I furrow my eyebrows and he chuckles.

"You know what I mean, but for the while I need to think what I'm going to tell your mom."

"She's going to hate me."

"She's going to hate me more sweetheart. Roxanne, are you willing to run away with me? I know you just found your father, but he's not going to approve of us."

"Ha-Harry, I can't choose like this."

"Think about it, umm how can I cover this up so Candice doesn't ask questions?"

"Well make-up works."

"Uhh alright fine," he chuckles and I sigh as I lead him up to my room.


Tuesday; December 12, 2017

The next day I decided to hang out with Brianna. It feels like forever since I talked with her. We walked down the park eating our ice cream.

We then go and sit at a bench and just eat our treats.

"I'm surprised you wanted to hang out," she breaks the silence.

"I know, I'm sorry. I been such a bad friend. But you're my best friend and you have every right to know what's going on with me."

She furrows her eyebrows as she looks at me intently.

"What is it? Wait, you're not pregnant are you?! What did Zayn say?!"

"No no, ssssh," I hush her down as I look around so no one is watching. "Umm Zayn and I aren't dating anymore."

"No way," she smiles and then frowns. "Why? I'm sorry Roxy."

"It's my fault, umm okay promise me you won't judge me."

"Why would I judge you?"

"Because I been uh umm I been fooling around with Harry."

"Ha-Harry? As in your mom's boyfriend?!" She gasps covering her mouth.

"It's a long story but ever since he moved in he tempted me and he made me feel good."

"Omg how good is he?" She wiggles her eyebrows and I laugh.

"He's amazing, he makes me feel loved. Brianna I think I love him, all this time it just got to that point. I can't live without him, he makes me feel like a princess like no one has ever made me feel."

"Not even Zayn?"

I shake my head sadly.

"I feel bad, but yeah Zayn caught us one night and he was furious so he ended things."

"He caught you fucking Harry?"

"Yeah, well it was awkward. I feel horrible for hurting him, I never been unfaithful before and I feel like I'm the worst human being ever."

"Don't say that. I'm pretty sure Zayn has been unfaithful plenty of times."

"Bri, he's not like that. But umm yeah that's the latest news of my life."

I look down and feel her arm around me.

"Thanks for trusting me. Hey don't worry, what are best friends for?"

I smile looking over at her and hug her tight.

"Thank you. I should of told you before."

"Don't worry about it. Sorry about Zayn, maybe that happened for a reason?"

"Yeah, I know I want to be with Harry," I smile.

I hear her mumble something but ignore it.

"How about we go get something to drink, I'm thirsty," Brianna pulls back and smiles.

"Let's go bestie," I giggle getting up walking with her.

His Angel (H.S) Book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now