Chapter 36: The Letter L

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Chapter 36: The Letter L

Saturday; September 2, 2017


Today I decided to start cleaning around the house, since there wasn't much to do. Mom will be home soon so I can't risk in doing anything with Harry.

Either way he had to go out and run some errands.

I'm bored out of my mind, I need my own car. I could call Brianna to come get me but if my mom finds out, hell will break loose.

I start wiping down the furniture and stuff as I then vacuum and go and clean up the kitchen a bit. I make my way down the basement.

It kind of gives me the chills since it's dark and cold. The light bulb barely lights up any light. I sigh and go into the cabinets in the kitchen and find a flashlight. I walk down the stairs of the basement. I haven't been in here for ages.

My mom keeps a whole bunch of stuff who knows how long she comes and checks on it. I look through some boxes and try to arrange everything so it will look neat.

Yes this is how boring this day is that I'm even cleaning the basement.

My eyes catch another box. I grab it as it's hidden and open it. I frown as there are some teddy bears and just some junk.

I blow dust off this book and pull it out. It's a yearbook. It's my mom's yearbook.

I smile setting it aside and find some envelope in the box. I take it out and pull out the paper. I look at it closely as it's a letter.

My beloved Candice;

I'm sorry things had to end this way. I truly do love you but I can't deal with this. I am captain of the football team, I have to keep my grades up and especially my reputation. I want to go to college and start my future. Career wise. I know you do too, we're too young to be parents.

My dad will give you the money for you to put our child in adoption. I will not allow for you to abort our baby. That's a cruel thing, much more crueler than what I'm doing.

I love you. But don't ask me to be a dad yet. I want to in the future, but right now I can't. I'm not ready for such commitment. I know it's my fault for getting you pregnant but I was a lovesick puppy just wanting to make love to you. You were my first, and I'm a coward I know but this has to end. I'm sorry.


L xx.

I can't help let out the tears I been keeping in. This letter was from my father. He didn't want me. He wasn't ready to have me. My mom didn't even give me up for adoption...

L. The letter L. Is that the letter of his first name?

I need to know who he is. I need to find him and yell at him for being so irresponsible. Yes it's his fault too, if he didn't want me he shouldn't have had sex with my mother.

They were young and stupid. I'm young and stupid too. Doing what I'm doing with Harry... cheating on Zayn. What is wrong with me?
I sniffle as I stay on the floor.


I hear Harry as I hear his footsteps approaching. I get up and put everything away as I hide the letter in my pocket. I make my way up the stairs and bump with him.

"Were you in the basement?" He asks.

"I wa-was cleaning," I sniffle and am so stupid for letting out and cry in front of him.

"Woah woah what happened?" He wraps his arms around me hugging me. I hug back as I cry in his arms.

"My d-dad. He didn't want to have me. I was ruining his future."

"Ssssh, who told you that?"

I pull back and show him the letter. He reads it silently and his eyes widen as he looks at me.

"I'm so sorry. But hey, Candice never gave you up. She took care of you."

"Yeah. But it still hurts knowing that my dad didn't want me."

"Harry I'm back!"

I stiffen as we hear her heading our way. She furrows her eyebrows and looks at Harry's hands as he's holding the letter.

"What is that?"

"My dad's letter. He didn't want me. Why was he so selfish?!!"

"Who gave you the right to go through my stuff?!" She yells back.

"Well sorry for trying to help you out in cleaning the basement! Why can't you just tell me who he is? Show me a picture of him, I want to know what kind of coward gives up his own daughter?!"

"I'm not going to tell you. It's in the past, he didn't want you. I do. I love you sweetheart, I didn't have the heart to give you up. He doesn't deserve your tears."
"I just want to know who he is!!"

"I said no!"

"Uggh!" I storm up to my room slamming the door shut. I can't handle this right now. If she won't tell me then I will find out.

His Angel (H.S) Book 1 ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt