Chapter 23: Cruise

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I'm barely posting this because I had class earlier. I wrote chapters 23-30 for like four hours, never have written so much in one day. I been so busy this weekend I am so sorry. I will do my best to keep up and thank you so much for checking out my story :D 


Chapter 23: Cruise

Friday; August 25, 2017


The next day I been packing all morning and had to departure with my mom and Harry. He drove us over to our destination and kept glancing over at me through the review mirror.

I did feel uncomfortable just being around him in public, but mostly around mom.

As we arrived he helped us out with our luggage and we make our way towards the dock.

The ship is huge and beautiful, I haven't gotten on one in forever, but what excites me of this trip is being able to see the sea again. To feel the ocean breeze.


"Mom, why do you have to drag me to this stupid trip? I'm going to be so bored, you could have just come with your stupid boyfriend," I glare over at Harry who rolls his eyes as we have boarded the ship.

"Sorry but it'll be great. You'll have fun Roxanne, and don't be rude," she replies.

"You didn't even let me bring my boyfriend! I don't get why you can't accept Zayn, but I have to accept this," I signal to Harry.

"You don't need him on this trip," mom states and I roll my eyes.

"You always have to make my life miserable don't you."

"Give me your phone," she looks at me putting her hand out.


"I don't want you on your phone, you come out here to enjoy this cruise so give me your phone young lady."

"But mom—"

"Do you want me to keep your phone for a whole month?"

"Uggh," I sigh as I hand it to her and she smiles.

"Now that wasn't so bad right?"

"Give me my key, I'm going to go change and try to have some fun."

Mother hands me the key to my room as I head inside looking for it. The ship is huge, which surprises me that I have been able to find my way through.

As I find my room, I open my suitcase and find my swimsuit. It's a colorful two-piece swimsuit. I grab my towel and my flip flops as I head back out. I go and lay down on one of the chaise lounge chairs but am interrupted by this guy.

 I go and lay down on one of the chaise lounge chairs but am interrupted by this guy

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"Having fun?" Harry smirks as his shadow blocks the sun.

"I was before you showed up," I roll my eyes and he just chuckles. "Go away."

"What if I don't want to?"

"How am I supposed to have fun when you're all up on my ass?" I glare at him as his smile fades and then unexpectedly pins me down.

"You want to keep talking to me like that?" He whispers.

"You can't do anything about it," I smirk looking over as we're in public and some people are looking our way as he takes notice slowly pulling back.

"I'll get you later."

"Yeah sure, mom is here, I doubt you'll ever get me," I chuckle.

"Not if she's not around."

I roll my eyes and get up as I head to the pool. I feel his gaze on me but I decide to ignore him and just try to relax and enjoy. Some guys were looking my way and even one swam towards me.

"Hey cutie, what's your name?"

"Uh I just want to be left alone thanks," I smile politely and he looks upset as he just swims off.


I'm not enjoying this time at all. If only Zayn was here, it wouldn't be so boring. As an hour passes by I grab my towel and dry off. I make my way inside as I head down the hallway towards my room.

I take out my key and make my way inside as I feel a force on me pushing me on the bed. I look over as it's Harry as he grabs my wrists and handcuffs them to the bed post.

"You thought I couldn't get you." 

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