Chapter 51: It's Sick

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Chapter 51: It's Sick

Friday; September 15, 2017


Another day at work goes by. I swear as the days keep going and going, I feel I'm getting older. I'm not the best looking guy out there but I don't think I'm the worst either. But who wants to date a guy who's almost in his forties.

I can't recall the last time I been with a woman. If it's just for the sex then I would just go a find myself a prostitute but I'm not that kind of guy. I want someone to love, someone to love me back.

I feel those chances are over.

Liam doesn't seem to complain of a love life, he seems to enjoy his freedom. Though he's way younger anyway so he has a whole life ahead of himself. So does Harry. He's already with someone, we haven't met her yet. The daughter is beautiful, I'm sure the mother is the same.

"Louis, Harry wants us in his office," Liam interrupts my thoughts. I nod and get up as I follow him. Liam closes the door behind him and we both go and sit in front of Harry's desk.

"Sorry I just need to talk to you guys about something," Harry states and we nod.

"Oh if it's what I think it is..," Liam says and Harry nods.

"I want to know your opinion on something Louis."

"Sure, you can tell me anything. Boss," I chuckle and Harry stares at me seriously.

"Call me Harry I told you already," he says. "Anyway, what are your thoughts on a pair hooking up?"

"You mean a couple?"

"Well, they are not precisely a couple, just two adults having just sex."
"Oh umm. Well it's their own decision, I don't think there is anything wrong with a relationship with no strings attached. As long as they know what they are doing, and know the consequences in case they gain any feelings," I explain and Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"That's not the case here."

"Yeah if only you knew Louis," Liam says.

"The thing is," Harry sighs. "He's way older than her."

"How old?" I ask.

"Seven years."
"That's not bad," I chuckle. "Trust me age doesn't matter in love."

"They are not in love right Harry?" Liam chuckles.

"Uh yeah they a-are not. Umm but that's not it... he already has a girlfriend and umm she's actually related to the girl he's secretly having an affair with."

"What?! That's crazy," I exclaim. "That's sick. Related as in they are sisters?"

"Uh sort of..."

"That is really sick, I can't imagine someone actually thinking of such tragedy," I say my voice all high up.

"That's what I tell Harry he should tell his friend to end this once and for all," Liam says.

"Your friend is out of his mind mate. He's going to destroy that family. Obviously the girls don't know of this right? Is he lying to them?"

"Uh just one. The girlfriend doesn't know, the other girl does."

"That is sick! She doesn't care of her sister? That's bizarre," I shake my head.

"Think of being in his situation," Harry says. "Both very attractive, your girlfriend wants to wait to have sex until who knows how long, and you have her sister or aunt or whatever umm she's there for you to take. Beautiful body, pretty face, sweet voice and she's all yours if you want her."

"If I love my girlfriend I would wait eternity for when she's ready. I can't give in just because her attractive sister is trying to seduce me."

"Uh what if she didn't start? It was him."

"I wouldn't be like him. Your friend is out of his mind. He should fix this situation before someone ends up hurt."

"I guess," Harry sighs.

"Look, if I found out that my daughter was doing this... let's say to her mom," I chuckle and Liam and Harry look at me with their eyebrows raised. "Umm I would literally beat the crap out of the guy because it is so wrong. I wouldn't want that to happen to my little girl, she deserves someone that will love her and only her and not just use her."

"You have a daughter?" Harry questions.

"Uh yeah," I gulp and nod.

"How come you never mentioned her?" Liam says.

"Because I don't even deserve to know of her."

"What do you mean?" Harry asks.

"I abandoned her and her mother because all I wanted was to have fun. I wanted to continue school, finish my career without any worries of proving for a child. I don't know what happened of them. I haven't heard of them since I was just a teenager."

"Wow, that's a long time," Liam says.

"Had you tried contacting them?" Harry adds.

"No, it's impossible. I regret it, but it's too late. My daughter should be around seventeen or eighteen. That's if she actually didn't abort her," I sigh.

"I'm pretty sure you'll find your daughter, don't lose hope," Liam pats my shoulder.

I smile at him nodding.

"Thanks mate."


Oh Louis has no idea of what he's saying 😂 maybe he will make the same mistake as Harry did aye 😏

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