Chapter 49: I Miss You

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Long chapter! Enjoy :D


Chapter 49: I Miss You

Thursday; September 14, 2017


"Get up!"

I groan as my mom's words ring through my ears. My head feels like exploding into a million pieces. As if a bomb was thrown at a mere inch away from me.

"Mom... I don't want to go to school," I mumble through my pillow. I then feel the cool breeze as she pulled the covers off of me making me groan more.

"I don't care, I did warn you of not going to that party didn't I? Now you're going to school whether you like it or not. I don't care if you feel like shit, face the consequences of your actions. Up up!"

"Uggh," I sit up and glare at her. She quirks her eyebrows waiting for more movement coming from me. "I'm going gee," I manage to get up and do feel like utter shit.

After showering and doing the usual morning routine, I get into some comfy clothes. Some leggings and a long sweater with my black combat boots. I put my hair up into a high ponytail. Even though it's warm outside, I still wear this sweater, it's my only blanket on the go.

I make my way downstairs and glare at my mom as she's in the kitchen with Harry. He smiles at me shortly.

"Eat something quick and let's take you to school," my mom says.

"I'm not hungry," I mutter and she glances at me.

"You have to eat something. You'll feel worst later if you don't."

"Sure," I huff and take a granola bar. She glares at me but I ignore her and walk out as she soon follows.

The car ride was silent as usual. As she stops she looks at me and I glare at her getting out. I slam the door shut and walk away.


This whole time in class I felt like I was dreaming. My eyelids fought to close but I managed to stay awake. I felt my eyes burning the more I fought for my eyes to not fall shut. It felt like I had bags under my eyes, most certain that I do.

After my classes, Brianna finds me and gives me a hug.

"You're alive! Girl where did you disappear to last night?" She pulls back and chuckles.

"You're the one that disappeared who knows where," I laugh.

"You have no idea... I fucked this black guy. Oh my gosh what a package," she smirks biting her lip.

"Ewww," I stare at her disgusted.

"What? He has a huge—"

"Don't finish that sentence please," I stop her as I chuckle. "Whatever you do behind doors, stays behind doors."

"You're my best friend I don't mind going into details."

"I will barf this very moment if you do."
"Gee woman," she laughs. "Fine I won't go into details. But I want to know... did you get it going with Codie?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"What? No!"

"Oh come on, I know he has a small dick but he is good at using it."

"Eww. How do you know that?"

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