Chapter 82: Louis Quits

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This story is coming to an end! :D 6 more chapters.

Don't worry though, there is a second book (: Roxanne and Harry's story will continue 


Chapter 82: Louis Quits

Monday; December 11, 2017


Things have been going well with Roxanne and myself. I just haven't had the guts to end things with Candice yet. I need time to break things off.

I want Roxanne, I feel something strong for her.

I love her.

I want to run away with her, far from everyone. Somewhere no one knows our names.

It's hard to do now that Roxanne found her father. I wanted to kiss her so bad before I left for work, but Candice was still there.


Throughout the day, I wasn't able to concentrate much on my tasks. My mind was filled with Roxanne, Candice and Louis. What can I do to be with Roxanne but not hurt Candice and Louis?

I sigh frustrated as the door then opens as Liam makes his way inside.

"Hey mate, you okay?" He closes the door and walks towards me as he takes a seat in front of me.

"Things got complicated."

"What? With Candice? Or Roxanne?"

I raise my eyebrows giving him the obvious look to the response.

"You can't keep away from Roxanne can't you."

"I love her Liam. Even though everything started as sex. Pure fantasy and satisfaction, it turned to love and lust. I lust for her every day. I can't stay away from her, she's like a drug to me. I just don't know how I'm going to end things with Candice. She's going to kill me when she finds out I'm leaving her for her daughter."

"Mate, I told you you were getting yourself into deep trouble."

"I know. But I know Roxanne is the one I want. I'm going to make things right—"

The door then burst open as Louis marches in.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Umm," I stand up and Louis catches me off guard as he punches me in the face. I stumble back almost falling but I grab to the desk keeping my balance.

Louis turns me over to face him.

"You're messing with my daughter?!! Since when?! How could you huh?! You sick bastard!"

Another hit on my face, this time I fall to the floor.

"Louis stop it!" Liam rushes to his side.

I spit out blood as I look over at them. Liam holds him back as Louis glares down at me.

"I can't believe this!! You're dating Candice and yet do this to her?!! She doesn't deserve that. Especially coming from her own daughter! This is your fault and I swear I will make sure you won't lay another hand on her!!"

"You can't do anything about it!" I spat as I get up holding to my jaw. "Roxanne wants me as much as I want her. I didn't force her, I'm not doing anything that she doesn't want."

"What does Candice think of this huh? Of course she doesn't know right?"

"I'm going to tell her."

"You're in idiot if you do," Louis releases from Liam. "Relax, I'm not going to do anything." Louis sighs then looks at me. "Candice doesn't need to know, you can save her from getting hurt. All you have to do is stay away from Roxanne. I suggest it's better you end things with Candice as well, leave their house and never come back."

"I am not going to listen to your words. I love Roxanne—"

"That's not love," Louis laughs shaking his head. "You have been using her. And I don't want to know what you been doing to my daughter or I will kill you right now. Just leave her alone Harry. Or I will cause real problems to you, I'll let Candice know the truth, and let's see how you can handle that."

Louis walks past me bumping his shoulder with mine as he walks to the door. I turn to look at him as he looks over.

"Oh and I quit, I'm not working for a man who plays with two women at a time. Especially when it's between a mother and a daughter," he looks at me disgusted then storms out slamming the door shut.

"Don't tell me I told you so," I glare at Liam and he puts his hands up.

"I wasn't going to say anything."

His Angel (H.S) Book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now