Chapter 78: Naked

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Chapter 78: Naked


She took my clothes, and my car. Since when can she drive?

I'm freezing already!

My phone was on my clothes damn it.

I tried to find something to cover me up but nothing. I grabbed a branch of leaves two of them as I walk off holding them on my behind and front.

It already got dark and I'm a naked man walking around the streets. Great.

It took me long to get around town.

Walking around awkwardly. I would get glares, and disgusted looks. But most of the time older women would be checking me out, I feel like I'm some sort of meat they are dying to fight over.

I give a fake smile to some of the ladies as I continue walking down the streets.

"You don't need to cover up sweetheart!!" Some lady yells out and others whistle.

Kill me now.

I continue making my way but I hear sirens as a police car stops nearby.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me," I mutter to myself and stop walking. The officer heads my way and furrows his eyebrows as he observes me.

"Is there any reason to why you're streakin' the streets?" He asks and I bite my lip nervously.

"Not really."

"Give me a good reason or you'll be locked up sir."

"I lost my clothes."

"How could you possibly lose your clothes?"

"Well uh—"

"You know what? Come with me."


He grabs my arm pulling me to the police car.


As we arrive to the station more stares go my way. I follow the officer to a jail cell.

"What you were doing is illegal."

"I know I apologize."

"How in the world did you lose your clothes?"

"Umm I-I got robbed."


"I was taking a swim on this lake and uh out of a sudden my clothes disappeared."

"You were swimming on a lake naked?"
"Yeah I'm weird like that."

"Do you have people to come bring you clothes?"


He lets me out and leads me to the phone booth.

"One call make it quick."

I nod as I lean against the wall holding the branch of leaves on my front as with my other hand I make the phone call.

"Uhh Candice? It's a long story just come to police station on Western Avenue please? Bring me clothes, including boxers," I whisper.

"Woah Harry what's going on?"

"Please I'll explain when you get here."

"Alright I'll be right there."

I hang up and sigh picking up the other branch of leaves holding it on my bum as I head back to my cell.

As I wait I hear voices and look over as Candice walks over with Roxanne.

"What happened?!" Candice asks and I glare at Roxy who immediately burst out laughing. "Roxanne!!"

"I'm sorry mom, but this is just too hilarious."

"Haha," I glare at her and sigh.


"C-can I change first?"

She nods handing me my clothes as she takes Roxanne a bit away as they turn around. I quickly change and clear my throat as they turn around.

"Are you going to explain?"

"Uh sorry Candice, umm I-I got robbed."

Roxanne covers her mouth holding in her laughter.

"What?! Did you report the criminal?!"

"N-no Candice. I was in the lake and I didn't see who took my clothes."

"They took your phone too? And car?"


"We'll find that criminal."

"Thanks, am I able to leave?"

"I'll go talk to the officer," she walks away and I cross my arms glaring at Roxanne.

"I'm sorry," she says.


"All this. Look, your car is parked at the park, you can go get it and say you found it."

"I should turn you in, but I'm not as cruel."

"I was just trying to have fun Harry."

"I got arrested!"

"Hey it's a fun experience for you," she chuckles.

"It's not fun Roxanne."

"I'm sorry."

"Hmm we'll talk later."

The officer comes back with Candice as he lets me out.

Oh tomorrow Roxanne will pay for this. 

His Angel (H.S) Book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now