Sorry Doesn't Solve Problems (chap 24)

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Elsa's POV

Someone had opened my door. I couldn't tell who it was since it was too dark, but I could make out the outline of a person.

It began to walk closer and closer. I put my hand over the knife I kept under my pillow, just in case I needed it.

"Elsa? it's Jack" he said while closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing? It's already late, you should be sleeping."

"I couldn't sleep." Jack said

"That doesn't mean you have to wake me up too."

He gave a small, quiet laugh.

"I couldn't sleep because I needed to tell you something" he said while walking closer

Every time he took a step I scooted a little backwards.

"Tell me what?"

He walked over and climbed onto my bed, then sat in front of me. Cross legged.

"I wanted to tell you that.that."

"GOSH get it out already!" I said

"I wanted to say that...I'm sorry" he said

Sorry? Jack Frost was sorry. That hit me out of nowhere.

Jack Frost was never sorry. Or at least the one I knew now wasn't.

Something inside of me wished that maybe he had changed

Part of me was ready to forgive him and get this over with, but that other part of me didn't want to forgive him. It told me that sorry wasn't enough.

'Sorry' doesn't solve problems.

I didn't know which side of me to believe. I didn't know which one I wanted to believe.

"I know sorry isn't enough to forgive me. I understand that. I can't even forgive myself, but I needed to tell you" he said.

We sat for a few minutes. Just staring at each other.

Then he did something I never expected to ever do again.

He raised his pinkie.

A/N short and sweet I say! just kidding. I don't say that. But I wanted to give you guys part of a cute jelsa scene. It'll probably get cuter next chapter, which I will try to make longer. Hope you enjoyed the 4 chapters I gave you all. In 1 day! You're lucky I love you guys! I don't know when the next chapter is coming. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. Idk. See ya later ma potatoes!

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