Half a Doll (chap 64)

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Elsa's POV

I wouldn't have agreed to do this.

But Jack's not the only one looking for the man in the moon.

I knew Jack wouldn't have packed to I made sure to have some of Marks' clothes in there.

I left a note on Anna's desk stating that me and Jack would be gone for at least a week.

Jack was down at the cemetery, reassuring Emma that he would be back.

He's been there for over an hour. Just repeating the same words over and over again.

"I'm sorry"

I didn't want to bother him so I came back here. He's still out there though.

This is my fault.

It's always been my fault. If I had payed attention and wasn't such an idiot maybe she would've lived. Maybe Jack would've had a normal life. I could've kept him happy.

Maybe if I wasn't a coward.

I should've die-

The door creaked open before I could finish my thought.

Jack stood inside the door frame. He had a sad glint in his eyes, yet he continued to smile.

It was already dark out.

"You ready?" Jack asked.

I just nodded.

I was still pissed off at what happened earlier. But he seemed pretty sorry so I'll go easy on him.

~~~Beluga Pablo Waffle Warp and Todd~~~

Jack's POV

Elsa hasn't spoken to me since we left. I don't even know where to start. So far we've just been wondering around the alleyways. Elsa had her Snow Queen disguise look thing on, so she could walk around freely without getting even a glance from anyone with actual knowledge.

Hopefully no one notices me.

"Where do you think he is"

I jumped at the sound of Elsa's voice. I didn't think she'd actually talk to me.

"I-I'm not sure. He never took me anywhere since he usually only worked at night"

Elsa sighed deeply.

"Let's just check your house first"

My house.

It's been a while since I've been back there.

I gave Elsa a nod.

We ran through the alleyways with our fingers intertwined. No one dared to look at Elsa, and those who did received a deadly glare.


We were at the corner of my old street. The moment we turn, I'd see my house.

Me and Elsa took a few steps forward and stared at the place where my house used to stand.


Now it was burned to pieces. Debris scattered across the burnt grass.

Small flames still daring to burn on ripped wood.

I slowly let go of Elsa's hand and walked towards what was once my home.

My fists were clenched as I walked towards the torn front steps.

Parts of the door frame remained standing. There.

Lying on the floor, right in front of me.

A letter.

I bent down and held the paper in my hands. The edges were slightly burned and the paper was slightly crumpled.

My hands shook as I slowly opened it.

Welcome home

-Pitch Black

He did this.

I felt something crack beside me.

Elsa was bent down, holding a small doll in her hands. Half of its face was burnt off and and an eye was hanging off by a strand.

It was one of Emma's dolls.

He burned one of Emma's dolls.

I felt a cool breeze blow over my body as I kicked part of the broken door frame and watched it fly off and disappear into the clouds.

The cold breeze slowly went away and my eyes kind of ached.

I looked back at Elsa and saw her slightly brush her hand against the doll. I hadn't noticed, but the dolls dress was completely clean. Almost new. It was white with tiny blue ruffled on the end and blue straps.

Elsa rubbed her thumb against the end of the dress.

She whispered something under her breath.

"She's been here"

She paused for a few seconds.


A/N okay crap has fallen and everything is messed up. So I realized I was taking a super long time to update and I just didn't want to make you wait any longer.

It's been a whole week and I didn't even notice.

So I'll try to update quickly.

I'm pretty sure you know who alice is and stuff.

The next chapter will be longer and I know it's short and you've been waiting and I feel terrible.

School started for me today. It was okay but it felt weird.

So get ready for more chapters.


By the way, this story is a giant crossover pun so expect more disney characters.


Sorry bout the graham crackers and stuff

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