I Ship It (chap 15)

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Elsa's POV

"Wouldn't it be easier if you just told her?" Jack asked

No, it wouldn't

"If Anna knew about Pitch, she would try to help me. Then it would be easier for Pitch to hurt her". I explained

"I thought he only wanted to hurt you?" Jack said

"Pitch is worse than that. He'll destroy everything you've ever loved, ever cared for. And my little sister is the thing I love most".

"You still haven't told me why he wants to kill you?"

Oh no. Not this question again.

I needed some kind of excuse to get out of this. I still didn't trust Jack.

"Umm Jack, it's getting pretty late, you should be getting home by now" I said

"Y-yeah your right. See you tomorrow?" Jack said nervously.

I just nodded.

I watched as Jack left the room

Why is he being so nice all of a sudden?

Ugh. I need time to think.

I laid my self onto the cot.


I forgot about the scrapes and cuts on my back when I slid against that brick wall.

But I laid there, until the pain stopped hurting.

My eyes slowly shut and I fell asleep

Jack's POV

Why did Elsa get so sensitive when I asked about Pitch?!

I was about to go home since, like Elsa said, it was getting pretty late.

Right when I was about to leave when something grabbed my pants.

I thought it would be Sophie, but instead it was her older brother, Jamie.

"Can you please come back tomorrow. We had so much fun!" Jamie asked while laughing.

"Alright then. See you tomorrow kiddo" I ruffled his hair.

Before I walked out of the room I heard Anna say something to the 12/13/14 year olds. It sounded as if they were talking about me and Elsa. She only said 3 words

"I ship it" Anna said

I hid my face and blushed.

All of them squealed together. I think Anna saw more than we thought she did.

I walked out the door and began to head towards my house.

-at Jack's house-

I started thinking about what happened in the infirmary.

Every time I thought about it I just started blushing for no reason!

What's happening to me?!

I don't know, but what I do know is that I need some sleep.

I climbed through my window so I wouldn't get caught and carefully crawled into bed.

-in da mornin'-

I got up, still blushing at the memory of yesterday.

I put on my clothes and pulled on my regular blue hoodie.

Steadily, I went down the stairs.

My mom wasn't downstairs.

She probably left early to go to some bar or something.

I ran upstairs and checked if my sister, Emma, was still in her room, but all I found was a neatly made bed and no signs of my sister.

She must've gone to the bus stop alone, or she called one of her little friends parents to pick her up. She's only in 4th grade, the possibilities are endless!

I went back into my room and picked up my staff, simply spending a few minutes tracing my fingers along the wood.

I exited my room and slid down the railings of the stairs and jumped off. Then I made myself breakfast and ate it as quick as I could, then ran to the bus stop.

The bus's engines roared to a stop, as the yellow doors slammed open.

Elsa was sitting in the same seat as yesterday, do I decided to do the same.

She seemed to be avoiding eye contact with me. But I honestly secretly stared at her for the whole ride to school.

Some students looked at me weird, since I hadn't been bothering Elsa for a while.

Tooth was slightly scared of Elsa after what happened last time, so she made sure she didn't bother Elsa.

But Bunny never really knew when to stop, did he?

I watched as he walked up to Elsa while she was getting materials out of her locker.

She was about to get one more book out when Bunny slammed the door to her locked shut

Elsa tried to pull back her hand as fast as she could, but she wasn't fast enough.

A large, bloody cut had formed on the side of her hand.

She just stared at it. No reaction. No emotion. Just cold.

The blood slowly began to drip down her hand, but she didn't move.

"Look at it Bunny, look at how red it is! Can you believe you did that. You hurt someone for fun! But you never feel any of the pain do you? watch it drip off, drip by drop. Can you feel the pain now?" Elsa said in her soothingly in a monotoned voice

Bunny winced every time Elsa's blood hit the floor

"H-How are you doing that" Bunny said while clenching his hand.

"Oh Bunny, I'm not doing that. You are. This is what it feels like to be on the other side of the line. It hurts doesn't it" Elsa said.

"P-Please, OUCH. It burns! GAH!" Bunny said in pain

" I can't stop what I didn't start" Elsa said

"But if you move away from my locker I might be able to help" she said

Bunny quickly stepped away from her locker

"I-it stopped hurting!" Bunny said while running away.

Elsa just opened her locker casually as if nothing happened and took out the rest of her books, then walked to her next class.

What just happened?

I grabbed my stuff and headed to my next class, which was after math. I forget what it's called, but it's some kind of Broadway Class thing that our school forces us to participate in.

I walked into the giant classroom and took a seat. I looked around to see if I knew anybody.

Out of the corner of my I saw Elsa sitting in a dark spot in a corner in the back of the classroom.

She looked a bit lonely, and I needed to earn her trust. So I got up and sat next to her.

"What are you doing?" Elsa whispered so that she wouldn't get in trouble

"What does it look like I'm doing! I'm sitting in this chair"

"Why can't you sit somewhere else!" Elsa whispered

"Cause I don't want to" I said annoyingly

Elsa just groaned and moved her gaze towards the teacher.

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