Scream (chap 13)

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Jack's POV

Elsa stood in the frame of the doorway, panting heavily.

She had a deep, bloody gash on the side of her face, a small cut on her lip, and she had bright red hand marks around her neck.

"Elsa, what happened" I asked

Then she fainted.

I caught her before she hit the ground

"Are there any doctors here?!" I asked the children

" Maybe Dr.Felix can help" a child said

"Can you get him for me?"

" Sure" the child ran up the stairs, probably to the top floor.

I carried Elsa up the stairs and into the infirmary from when I hit my head.

I slowly laid her onto the cot and waited for the doctor.

But then something happened.

Elsa started kicking and screaming


She seemed to be having a horrible nightmare

"NOOOOOOO" Elsa screamed

It sounded as if she was being killed!

I couldn't stand seeing her like this

I nudged her slightly, but she kept screaming

"Elsa, Elsa wake up" I whispered, but she continued to scream and kick.

"Elsa" I said a bit louder, but her screams continued.

I nudged her harder and said Elsa a bit louder. But she kept on screaming

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her


She sat up immediately when I did that, gasping for air.

Elsa looked at me and tears started to form in her eyes.

I pulled her in for a hug while she cried into my chest.

"It's okay Elsa, no need to be scared" I said, trying to calm her down.

She cried for a few minutes. I felt horrible for what I'd done to her before. The guilt just kept building up.

Then she stopped crying and looked at me in disbelief

"Why are you doing this"

That question caught me off guard

Why was I doing this. I could just forget about this and continue on with my life. But something kept pulling me back here. As if I had forgotten something, I just didn't know what it was that I forgot.

"I don't know" was all I could say.

She sat up on her cot with her legs crossed, just staring at me blankly for a few minutes while I sat in a chair in front of her cot.

She slowly lifted her hand and slightly touched the gash on her face.

The moment she touched it, she winced in pain.

"Don't touch it, or it'll hurt even more" I said.

The doctor finally decided to come in.

He looked at Elsa's gash and put some weird cream stuff and left it like that

"Elsa, that's all I can do for now. But I know you heal quickly so this probably won't take more than a week to heal" Dr. Felix said. He gave Elsa and me a small smile and then walked out of the room.

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