The Man In The Moon (chap 61)

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Jack's POV

I was trying to go to sleep but I couldn't help but worry about Elsa.

Is it my fault that she's like this. Did she hate me enough to break the border. Or was she scared of me.

Suddenly there was a yell that came from the hall.

"JACK!" a loud thump followed after.

That sounded like Elsa.

I jumped out of bed and pulled on a shirt and pants.

I opened my door to find Elsa on the floor. Her hand outstretched to my door with blood dripping down her nose.

She let out a cough and a bit of blood flew out.

"Elsa! Are you okay? C'mon"

I put her arm over my shoulder and picked her up.

Her breathing was unsteady and her eyes looked dead. She wasn't showing any emotion.

Do I take her to her room or?

I'll just take her there.

I started to walk (or drag) Elsa to her room door.

I started to reach for the doorknob when Elsa stopped me.

"Don't" She barely whispered out.

"Elsa, I don't care if your room is sparkly clean. You're going to sleep"

"Please, don't open-"

I pushed the door open before she could finish.

We walked inside.

The large mirror in her room was shattered to pieces. Half of her bed was torn as if someone had clawed at it. Cotton was everywhere.

There were certain holes in the walls and were probably bigger than my head.

"I told you, idiot"

"You know that's 7 years bad luck" Hey, jokes were my way of avoiding bad situations.

"Well where are you gonna sleep?"

Elsa sighed

"I won't"

"What do you mean you won't sleep?!"

"I mean, I can't sleep"

This is a problem.

Elsa let go of me and stood up on her own.

"I'm just going to get some fresh air. That might help"

Elsa started fixing her messy braid and reached for her sweater.

"Wait wait wait. Why are you going as the 'Snow Queen'. Don't you think it'd be safer?"

She let out a scoff.

"It certainly didn't work at school"

There it is. The guilt started stabbing again.

"At least let me come with you. What if something happens and I'm not there to help you?" I tried to convince her.

Elsa froze.

"Where were you then. When I needed you. How do you think I survived. I would never risk bringing my sister with me. The rest of my family was dead and everyone else was busy trying to make enough money for us to survive. You were never there to help me when I was on my own. I can take care of mysel-"

"That was then. The past is in the past. Leave it there. I'm done with being that jerk alright! I'm going with you wether you like it or not"

Elsa groaned and threw my staff at me. It hit me right in the face then fell into my arms.

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