Dont Look (chap 43)

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(A/N so I decided not to make this Jack's dream for the sake of the story)

Elsa's POV

I was awoken by loud barks and growls.

I got up and looked around. The wolves were baring their teeth at something.

Suddenly something covered my eyes and I blacked out.


"Elsa. Elsa wake up. Please wake up" something whispered. Waking me.

I'm felt something cold and hard beneath me and my hands felt tight.

I opened my eyes.

I was in a cage. Jack was in one of the corners, chained to the wall.

"Elsa, you're awake. I was so worried!"

He tried to run to me but the chains held him back and he slammed into the floor.

My hands were completely covered by metal.

I looked down at the rusted metal floor. Puddles of blood lay splattered across.

I even noticed a bloody finger in one of the corners.

Jack looked like he was about to throw up, but I was used to this.

Because I'd been here before.

This was where Pitch brought his victims to die.

His own little underworld.

"So I see you've awoken" A raspy voice said from behind me.

Pitch stood outside our cage, his face hidden by the shadows.

"I though you might've wanted to come visit your parents. Nightmares, grab them" Pitch signaled to his men.

The unlocked our cage and grabbed my shackles.

"Go ahead and get the boy too. I might feel the need for a new trophy"

Oh no.

I knew what was coming. I couldn't let Jack go through this.

They pushed me and Jack together so our shoulders were touching and began to drag us somewhere.

"Jack" I whispered.

He looked at me worriedly.

"Don't look, okay?"

He gave me a confused look but continued to walk.

Jack's POV

What did Elsa mean by 'don't look' ?

How could this have happened. How did they find us?! We didn't even know where we were?!

My shackles dug into my skin, squeezing my wrists together.

I tried not to scream in pain.

The guys pushing us were dressed in all black. Their faces were covered with black masked that completely his their whole head.

They pushed us into a large room that barely had any lights. Just dim lightbulbs once in a while.

Elsa nudged me.

"Don't look" She whispered

I wish I'd listened

A/N okay. I know this took a while and it's pretty short but I'm trying. The next chapter will be out as soon as possible since I don't want to keep you waiting. Just a warning the next few chapters will be slightly gory, in case the 'bloody finger' thing didn't warn you. And by slightly gory I mean I don't know how gory but it will be gory. Hah. Gory. It kind of sounds like Gary.

But thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed

*throws waffles at the audience (blood free) *

And please excuse my graham crackers (it means grammar mistakes, but I felt like saying graham crackers)

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