Spider Children (chap 49)

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Jack's POV

Elsa ended up explaining everything to the group.

Besides the part where I...umm, you know....saved her from drowning and stuff.

Anna left the room squealing. I can still hear her from the infirmary.

We didn't even tell her what happened she just started squealing when Elsa told her I jumped.

I still feel left out here. Like I might not belong.

After Elsa finished everyone else went downstairs. But I stayed behind.

I know what'll make me feel better!

I ran down the stairs and stared (lol) at the army of children watching Tinker Bell fix the T.V.

I guess I'm not hanging out with the kids today.

"Tink, How's the T.V. doing?" Elsa asked as she appeared around the corner.

"I've almost got it! Juuuust one more screw aaaannnnd DONE."

The television flickered on.

The news channel was on.

-Kevin plays the too do roo music from the weird new channels-

"So Mr.Weaseltown, what are your thoughts about the whole Snow Queen thing going around?" A news reporter asked

"WESELTON! And I do believe she should be punished for her actions" The small man said

"And why is that?"

"The little brat walks around believing she owns the place. Graffiti all over the city. That's damaging government property! And the poor man whose house burned down because of that scoundrel. She should be captured and executed at once!"

"So There you have it folks! Back to you Fishy" (A/N sorry, couldn't help it)

-too to doro music ending-

"THAT JERK!" Anna called out from behind me.

"I bet he's wearin' a wig under that bald head o' his!" Merida yelled causing a few people to laugh.

"How can he say that!? The old man didn't even see anything that happened!" I honestly couldn't control my voice at a time like this

I was just enraged at the stupidity of people.

Nobody actually believed that?! Did they!

"Guys shut up, I'm trying to watch!" One of the kids yelled as they switched the channel to Sesame Street.

"We never get a break do we." Hiccup sighed sadly, trying not to disturb the children.

"I don't care about that. I don't need a break. I don't care what they say. And neither should you" Elsa said.

"Why don't you try and stand up for yourself for once! You just sit around and let them talk about you!" Anna began to grow angry, ignoring the large amounts of shushing coming from the children.

"The stupidity of others deserves no pity from me. If you strip away their flesh and bones, all that will remain is the lies they left behind. I don't want to waste my time on those filthy pigs"

Wow. Elsa seriously gave off a depressing vibe.

I know she hasn't told me everything.

"Well I'm hungry! Let's go eat!" Anna yelled ecstatically as she pulled all of us to the cafeteria.

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