Patience (chap 31)

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Jack's POV

Why did Elsa suddenly change!?

She ran out the door and followed Rapunzel.

I chased behind her.

I didn't know why I was chasing her. Or why I ever chased her in the first place. But something was telling me to.

Elsa's POV

I followed Punzie through the alleyways and to territory 120.

Pitch's men were there, destroying all of our supplies.

All of the soldiers were either fighting or repairing the damage.

I let out a small whistle to attract everyone's attention.

Everyone turned to me. Even a few of Pitch's men ran away the moment they saw me.

You know what they say, It's better to be feared than to be loved.

3 of Pitch's gang members, or as they were usually referred to, 'Nightmares' began to run towards me with daggers wielded in both hands.

This was gonna be a piece of cake.

Jack's POV

I watched as Elsa pulled out a long, steel sword.

Where it came from? I have no idea. Why she even had a sword? I don't know.

But why didn't she just use a gun?

The 3 men stepped back a few steps, then regained their courage and began to walk toward Elsa again.

"You're as stupid as they get" Elsa said with a smirk.

It still felt weird to see Elsa smirk.

She swung her sword and slightly cut the 3 guy's stomachs.

I knew Elsa wouldn't kill them, but I wasn't sure that she wouldn't hurt them.

She pushed the 3 guys back and they fell to the ground.

5 more men came running at Elsa, but she calmly swung her sword and they all fell down.

Then a guy jumped at Elsa from behind.

I was about to go help her, when I realized I didn't even have a weapon.

Suddenly an arrow whizzed past my head and hit the guy straight in the shoulder.

He slowly looked at the arrow stuck in his arm.


Then he ran off, still screaming.

What a wimp.

Elsa slashed a bit more until there was no one else left to fight

Elsa began to walk forward, stepping over a guy with the imprint of a frying pan on his face.

Toothless was chewing on a ripped shoe while Hiccup tried to take it away from him.

Merida was collecting her arrows out of the guys that she shot, the wiping the blood off them.

"Where are you going?" I asked Elsa

"Somewhere" then she left.

I wanted to run after her, but Flynn grabbed my arm

"Let her go. She probably needs some alone time"

He was right.

Me and the gang watched as the soldiers moved the unconscious bodies out of the middle of the pavement.

They didn't kill anyone. Everyone was just knocked out.

That's a good thing, I guess?

I wonder where Elsa was going. I was a bit worried.

"C'mon, let's head back to base" Rapunzel said.

We all followed her back home.


It's getting late and Elsa still isn't back yet!

Now I was really worried

What if she was kidnapped? or hurt?

Or maybe.

Even dead?

No stop thinking like that! Elsa is not dead.

She's not dead! Right?

Anna slammed my door open

"Have you seen Elsa anywhere" she asked as she limped inside, with her hand over where she was shot.

I shook my head.

"The last time I saw her was back at, like, territory 120. Or at least that's what I think it was called."

Anna held onto the doorframe.

She nodded in return, then left and closed the door.

Where was Elsa?!

I decided to go downstairs and play with the kids. That usually calms me down.

I tried to go down the stairs without the boards creaking.

But they creaked anyways.

Jamie and Sophie ran towards me, passing me the blue car I was playing with last time.

I smiled at them and began to play.


The kids bedtime came soon, and they all had to go to sleep.

But Elsa still hadn't come back yet.

I was on my knees, staring at the blue car that Jamie had given me.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

It was Granny!

I hadn't seen her in a while!

"Jack, you should rest now. Elsa goes out like this sometimes. All we can do is wait for her to come back."

I nodded my head.

I took one last glance at the door before I began to go upstairs.

Slowly, I walked down the dim halls.

I hope Elsa's okay.

I turned the doorknob to my room and pushed the door open.

A/N not my best chapter, but it'll do!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

*throws waffles to the audience*

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