Falling (chap 40)

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Jack's POV

The bus slammed into something.

My head crashed into the window and I fell out of my seat. Everything was moving so fast I didn't really get a chance to look.

We tilted backwards and the bus was hanging in to the bridge we were on by its wheels.

I looked out the window.

Below us was a large blanket of water. I don't even know how deep it is.

Everyone was hanging on to the back of the seats in front of them.

I looked beside me to see if Elsa was okay.

But she wasn't there.

I looked to the front of the bus. Elsa was climbing the seats to get to the top.

She kicked part of the window and shattered the glass.

"EVERYONE GET OUT!" She yelled.

The students began to climb out, every step they took causing the bus to creak on the cement ledge. Swaying side to side.

I was the the only one left.

I made my way to the top. Then the bus made a cracking sound and lowered a bit.

I looked out the windows and saw that the tired were slowly ripping off. The tires were the only thing that kept us from falling.

"JACK GET OUT!" Elsa screamed.

She pushed me out and I fell onto the concrete above me.

I crawled forward to get away from the edge.

I pushed myself up then looked back.

The bus was gone.

"ELSA!" I ran to the edge.

All I saw was a bus quickly descending towards the water. And Elsa was in it.

A/N okay another cliffhanger. I'm not sorry at all. The next chapter will be up soon so don't worry. Sorry for the short chapter though. The next one will be longer. This was just like...a mini chapter.

*throws adorable mini waffle at the audience*

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