The Monster Within Me (chap 12)

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Jack's POV

I began to slowly walk towards Elsa

I wanted to help her. I wanted to save her.

"WAIT! no don't come any closer! I'm a monster! Please..... I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone. But I always do.. I'm a monster. There's a monster inside of me. No one can help me, there's no escape. Please. Leave before I hurt you" Elsa said while scooting herself against the wall.

"Elsa, let me help you. Please." I said while slowly moving closer.

"NO STOP! DONT COME ClOSER" Elsa sobbed.

I walked closer anyways and sat next to her.

I could feel her shaking. Elsa continued to stare at the spot where I stood before. Wide-eyed. Not as if she was surprised, but as if she was scared.

I put my arm around her and pulled her head towards my chest and hugged her.

Her tears stained my shirt, but I didn't really care about that. I wanted to know more about Elsa, because there's something she isn't telling me.

"Y-you have to go" Elsa whispered shakily

"I'm not leaving you here alone. Come on we have to get to class"

I got up and reached out my hand

She wiped away her tears and nodded then grabbed my hand

I helped her up from the ground and she let go. I immediately missed the feeling of her hand in mine.

What's happening to me?!

I peeked out of the janitors closet to see if the halls were empty. And of course they were since all the classes has already started.

"Well, it's too late to go to class now without it being awkward, so you should go ahead and get the stuff for your next class" I said

Elsa nodded and walked away.

What happened back there with Tooth? What made Elsa turn into....whatever that was.

Why was Elsa so sensitive about her parents? You could literally say anything you want about her, but the moment you trash talked about her parents, or bullied her sister, she would go mad.

I walked down the hallway to my locker and saw Elsa standing next to her next class with her books in her arms.

But she still looked at me with an emotionless face. Why was she always so cold?

At least she wasn't glaring at me.


I had Elsa in a few of my classes, but the whole time she stared at her desk, still shaking from earlier. Her eyes remained wide, she was still scared.

But I had a few classes with Merida, Hiccup, Rapunzel, and of course with my luck, Flynn.

Merida didn't glare at me as much as she did before, but she still glared, but I got to at least talk to Hiccup.

I told him what happened earlier with Elsa, but not about the janitors closet part, he would never stop teasing me if I told him about that.

Rapunzel just gave me certain sad smiles, as if she knew I was having trouble befriending Elsa. But Rapunzel seemed to warm up to me, but I think she just thinks me and Elsa would make a cute couple.

She's like the female version of Hiccup, except Hiccup teases me more.

But Flynn just glared at me, the whole time of our classes with each other.

Gosh how I hate him.

I never really thought about Rapunzel, Merida, and Hiccup being friends with Elsa, but every Tuesday, they would walk home together.

They only did it on Tuesdays though since every other day they had clubs.

Merida was in archery

Hiccup was in book club

And Rapunzel was in the Art club

But like I said before, Elsa wasn't a very social person. So she never joined in any clubs


After what felt like forever, school finally ended.

I felt like Elsa needed some time before we talked again, since I could imagine how awkward it would be to talk to each other since the janitors closet incident

I began to head towards the, I guess foster home? I don't know!?

I wanted to keep my promise towards Sophie.

As I walked down the alleyways following the daggers I did happen to pass some of Elsa's gang/guard people.

They either glared at me, or waved and smiled at me. Either way it was kind of scary.

I managed to find the house after a couple of minutes.

When I opened the door I immediately stepped on a blue Lego.

And it hurt like hell.

After I grabbed my foot and jumped around for a bit I heard Sophie yell something

"SEE JAMIE! I told you he would come!" Sophie said to a boy with brown hair and looked like her bit older.

They must've been siblings.

"I thought you were kidding when you said he had hair like Elsa's!" Jamie said

"C'mon let's go play with him!" the ran towards me while laughing

Sophie hugged my legs

"You came! now let's go play" Sophie pulled me towards the toys and I helped her build a house out of Legos. Then I played cars with Jamie and Sophie. I have to admit, it was actually fun.

Then the front door clicked and slowly squeaked open.

A/N I will try very hard to update soon since I kinda left you guys at a cliffy. I know it's a bit short but I didn't want to leave you waiting.
Hope you enjoyed my potatoes.

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