Poke (chap 28)

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Jack's POV

I promised to stay by Elsa, so why not get some fun out of it?!

I scooted closer to Elsa and began to poke her.

No one paid attention because they thought I was still being the same bully I was.

Elsa kept her nose in that stupid book! She's really persistent!

Then I knew what I had to do.

Elsa's POV

I tried to ignore Jack's pokes and continue reading my book, but then he did something I would make him regret

Jack reached over and slammed my book shut. I didn't even have time to save the page!

I slammed my elbow into his ribcage and watched him cringe in pain.

That's what he gets!

I put my book back inside by bag, since it was no use finding the page again.

Jack continued to poke me.

"Can you stop it!?"

He just smirked at me


And that's how it was, the entire ride to school.


The bus doors smashed open.

I quickly got out of my seat and ran out.

I needed to get away from Jack!

I continued to run to my locker, until I looked back.

That Frost idiot was right behind me, causing me to jump.

"Why can't you leave me alone!"

"I pinky promised" he said with a small smirk then laughed

This jerk was using that promise against me!

I continued to dig through my locker, trying to ignore Jack's stare.

I pulled out the last book, but just as I was about to turn around, Jack got I my way.

"What do you think you're doing?" I glared at him.

"You can't go to class unless I'm there to take you" he said sternly.

He's getting more annoying by the minute.

"Jack, just let me pass!" I said while trying to push him out of the way.

He just looked down and shook his head.

I ran past him, but he just chased me to my next class. I slammed the classroom door open and ran to my seat.

I beat Jack to the room! It took a couple of minutes but he eventually showed up.

Jack took a seat next to me. I could feel his glare as I looked over my notes.

He was about to poke me, when the teacher suddenly walked in.

His hand shot back and he sat upright in his seat to make it look like he wasn't bothering me.

Oh how I hate him.

The teacher began to speak. I kind of blocked her out of my mind since I already knew what she was teaching.

It's times like this I start to think a bit too deep.

What if?

That question managed to crawl I to my mind.

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