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Narrator's POV

Everyone was shocked. They started panicking. All of them rushed to the edge of the roof and peered over it. But when they looked, Siyeon....was gone. They thought their eyes were being funny, so they looked closer - but she was not there. Jackson and Taehyung both ran downstairs and out of the school and searched for Siyeon, but there was no sign of her. They were all panicking. What were they going to do? They can't find her and they were all so worried. Some of them were blaming themselves. They couldn't take any longer. Taehyung decided to run back to the dorm and Jackson decided to call the rest of the Got7 members. Taehyung ran with all of his might, pushing a lot of his energy and going faster in order to reach the house. As soon as the house was in his view, he opened the door and sprinted in. Jin and Namjoon were the only ones in the living room when Taehyung came in and when they saw him huffing and puffing they asked what was wrong.

"Wait here." He managed to say.

He ran upstairs and knocked on everyones doors and told them all to come downstairs. When all of them were finally gathered in the living room, he became restless.

"Taehyung-ah, what's wrong?" Hoseok asked.

"Something happened!" He blurted out.

"What?" Yoongi asked.

"Just...... something! Now Siyeon's gone missing!" He rushed while stuttering.

"WHAT!!!" Everyone screamed.

"Yah! She's probably somewhere." Yoongi said.

"Yeah, she's probably around." Jin said.

Taehyung shook his head vigorously.

"She disappeared."

"What do you mean?

Taehyung silently cursed at himself. He sighed. He was going to have to tell them.

"She.....erm.... jumped off the school roof, but she disappeared out of nowhere." He quickly said the last bit.

They all screamed.

"What the-what? Jumped off the roof!!!!" Jin shouted.


They all started panicking, and quickly stood up. They were about to run out bare foot, but Jin reminded them to plop their shoes on. Everyone ran at the speed of light, and started searching for her.

Jimin was soo worried. His heart couldn't stop beating. What was he going to do?

He ran like a madman, searching for his sister desperately. As he did this, Namjoon was witnessing it all. It hurt him to see his dongsaeng like this. By seeing Jimin's deperate state, Bangtan were even more motivated to find her.

Jungkook ran around the whole town, determined to not make his legs give out on him, screaming Siyeon's name having a hope that somehow, she would appear in front of him - but obviously she didn't.


The sun was setting and they were all getting nervous. They looked in every single classroom at school and yet, nothing. Exhausted, they eventually had to call it a night and had to go home since it was getting really really late. No matter how much Jimin wanted to keep on searching, he knew there was a limit to his strength as well as it was to late. But how could he go to sleep when his sister was missing? He couldn't stop thinking about her. Tears were building up, but he quickly shook them away. No. He had to stay strong. For her. With a nervous heart and restless mind, all of BTS and Got7 fell asleep.


They all woke up really early the next day and as soon as they did, the search started. They knew they had no choice but to attend school or else they would have got scolded by their managers, which was why they decided to search for her before going to school. Of course, no luck. They didn't find any trace. WIth a heavy heart, they trudded into school.

During school, they informed Sohyun and Jiho about the news, which shocked them. Sohyun was so shaken. The fact that she disappeared wasn't the reason everyone was shocked, I mean of course that is bad as well, it was the fact that she jumped. If she didn't 'disapear' she would have died on that exact moment. They don't even know if she was alive or not because none of them were present either than the five boys, but they didn't even see; the time they looked - she was gone.

At the end, Jiho and Sohyun decided to join the search to.


School felt so quiet and souless without Siyeon. Throughout the whole day, there wasn't much discussion between them all as they were too immersed into their own thoughts. Even the school noticed their weird behaviour because in lunch time, they were just staring at them - normally their table was the loudest out of them all.

After school ended, the search continued straight away.

Jungkook's POV

Feeling dejected, I walked home with a heavy heart whilst the others searched. I didn't know what to do. It was meaningless searching. We all searched everywhere yet none of us saw her nor found her.

I walked inside the house and went up the stairs. As I walked past Siyeon's room, I unconsciously stopped and stared at the door. Taking a deep breath, I finally walked in. I took a quick look before I came back to my senses and quickly stepped back out. Suddenly, I paused. Wait! Quickly, I turned around and went closer. Oh yeah!! Siyeon's angel book! Maybe there might be some answers in there about her sudden disappearance.

I quickly grabbed the book and skimmed through the pages. As I read some, I recalled some that happened.

"Angels have something called glory. It's what makes them an angel. This is the light within them and when it shines, anything in its path will become good. It spreads goodness and dreams. Can learn to control the glory."

"Hair dye does not affect the hair as the glory wears it away." (Remember in chapter : Prank gone wrong - the hair dye didn't work on Siyeon.)

"May not use their powers when supporting evil."

"If a vampire touches an angels blood, they could die or any unusual beings. (Monsters) But if an angel loves a vampire, then when the vampire kisses the angel, it could have the same powers as the angel." (Explained in the chapter caught red handed pt 2? I think or 1)

I remember that one, the whole mess with Taejun. As I was immersed in the memories, I came across one important rule. I read it quickly and finally understood what was going on. Oh. Although I don't know if it's going to work, let's try it. I think I know what to do.

#Hey!!!  hope this answered some of the questions that I left unanswered. Apart from the big question why she disappeared of course, that's in the next chapter. Hope you like this chapter an comment below on how you like it. also what did you thinks going to happen?

Also OMG, did you guys see the highlight vids. Yesterday after posting that chapter I saw it ad quickly watched it and today!!! I'm so excited!!!


^-^ Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

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