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Siyeon's POV

Tae Jun's taking it a bit too far now. Yesterday, he twisted my arm too hard, that his handprint was still seen on my arm, and was starting to become a bruise. I tried to cover it by wearing long sleeved tops, even though the weather in Korea was hot. So I was like sweating a bucket load. Okay, let's not exaggerate, but you get the point. Of course everyone asked me why I was wearing that? And if I felt hot? I just said 'No, I feel quite cold oppa." Lies. Lies I tell you! It was boiling hot in this top. I'm such a liar. I should be punished for my sins. And I dare call myself an angel.

I was currently in my room, resting, or you could say thinking. Just trying to gather my thoughts. I was stuck to be honest. Should I help him, or just endure his strange behaviour? But then again, even if I did decide to help him, how can I? I don't know how to help him! Aish! I plugged in my earphones, and listened to some music to calm me down. I was listening to 'Come back home by 2NE1' Just how I kinda felt. I want Taejun to go back to the Taejun that I know. I closed my eyes, and slipped into dream land.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dream Start~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I opened my eyes. I looked at my surroundings and saw that my hands were chained to the wall, so I was dangling on the wall. Huh, what happened? I shook my head, trying to remember what happened, but nothing. Why am I here?

I struggled, and tried to get these stupid handcuffs off me. No use, the handcuffs were stuck to me like glue. The room that I was in, looked quite old. The walls were rusty and looked like they would break any minute. There were a lot of cobwebs and insects crawling around, which I didn't mind since I wasn't really scared of bugs.

"Hello...Anyone there?" I asked.

No response. Well, it was a long shot. I know you guys might be thinking, why aren't I scared? Well because I've been in a lot of situations like this. Trust me! Anyway, what do I have to do? Just stay here and wait? No! It'll probably take a long time until someone comes and sees me, or at all. Then I remembered! Oh yeah!

With my powers, the chains shattered into pieces, and I landed on the ground. Phew! I dusted the dust of my clothes, and went to the massive door. It was old fashioned, like the ones in medieval times. That's odd! I thought no one had these kind of doors any more. Luckily the door wasn't locked, so I managed to escape quite easily. This place doesn't look familiar. Just where is this place? When something got in my eye, and I rubbed it, I was suddenly in a pitch black, dark room. Okay?... This is freaking me out. Breath in...breath out. I took deep breaths, and closed my eyes.

When I opened them again, this time I found myself sitting on a bed. What the? I stood up, and looked out the nearest window, trying to figure out where I was. All I saw was grass. Field of grass. I must not be in the middle of nowhere, right?

All of a sudden, I felt something starting to bite me on the neck. I froze. I saw the reflection on the window, and there I saw Taejun. What?!! I quickly pushed him away, and put a hand on my neck. Thank god there was no blood. Phew, he didn't bite me too deep.

"Yah, what are you doing? Are you crazy?" I shouted at him.

His eyes turned red, and he was coming closer. This isn't Taejun! It's a beast! I quickly opened the window, and jumped out. Thankfully, I landed in a bush, and hurriedly went out. What's wrong with him?

I started running. What the? When I ran to the grass, the scenery all of a sudden changed to a hallway. I hit my head with my hand. I'm not becoming delusional, am I? I turned my head to look around, when I got slammed onto the wall. Taejun put both of his hands on the side of me, so I was trapped and couldn't escape. I gulped. My eyes were wandering everywhere, but his eyes. For some odd reason, I couldn't move. I felt like I was frozen on the spot. He came closer, and I tried shaking my head. But the thing was, he wasn't aiming for my lips. No no no. Fangs grew out of his mouth, and he sunk them into my bare neck. I screamed in pain. It was like a thousand bees stung me on my neck.

Lost But Found!! [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora