Finally meeting her...

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#It's quite long by the way.

Siyeon's POV

I took a deep breath, and entered the school, with everyone following behind me. I really missed this school. I spent my entire life, 16 years in here, and I don't regret it whatsoever. This place was where I learnt all my skills and knowledge that I have today. This was my home. I breathed in the air, reminding myself with all the funny memories I had in here.

As I went pass the hallway, I saw that all the students were excited to see me. Although I don't know all of them, everyone knew me, since I was the headteacher's daughter and also best spy. Even the teachers were happy to see me, probably because they thought I was dead. However, on top of that, there was a lot of commotion from the girls because this school was full of kpop fans. So I wouldn't be surprised that they recognised BTS.

Because it was getting too noisy, and I was getting kind of annoyed, I quickly clapped my hands really loud, to get all of their attention. And when I did, they all stopped what they were doing. Pretty cool right? Since I'm a senior in being a spy, and grade A which means the best, everyone has to follow and do what I tell them to do. But obviously I won't misuse them. But I gotta say, that it does come in handy at situations like this.

"Now, now. These boys are guests, and is that how you welcome guests in this school?" I asked them.

"No Skylar!!"

You see, everyone in this school calls me by my english name, even TJ does.

"Great! BTS, say hi to all the girls and boys that go to St Kingsman's school for the wise and skilled." I said.

BTS did their greeting, and all the girls went crazy, and all the boys just smiled, since they were a fan as well.

"I'm sorry oppa's, but I'm going to have to leave you guys in my old classmates hands, I'm just going to meet the headteacher." I told them.

They nodded, and I snickered to myself. I sensed that they were all terrified being with the others, since my female classmates were all crazy fangirls waiting for their prey, which is them.

I started walking to the headteacher's office, or should I say my foster mother's office. I already knew the way, so it was easy for me to go there. I knocked on the door, and when I did, I didn't expect to hear another voice responding. I opened the door, and saw Ms Thomas, my old homeroom teacher.

"Ms Thomas, hi. I didn't know you were here."

"Oh, hi Shylar. Oh, I've missed you. I thought know, was dead." She told me.

"Yeah, I know everyone thought that. But here I am, in the flesh." I smiled at her.

"Ms Thomas, do you know where Ms Brian might be?" I asked her.

My foster mother's surname was Brian, but I never took it since she said she wanted me to keep my original surname. If you're wondering, when she found me, apparently my name was on a piece of paper that was tied onto my wrist.

Ms Thomas, suddenly looked at me with pity, clearly shown in her eyes, which made me confused.

"What's the matter?" I asked her, full of concern.

"Siyeon, I need to tell you something. Ms Brian kind of... well she kind of....passed away a few weeks ago." She slowly explained to me.

I paused, and let the news sink in.

"WHAAAT!!!!" I shouted out of shock.

Mum. Mum's...mum's dead, and I never knew when she died. Tears started spilling out, and Ms Thomas ran to me, and wrapped her arms around me. I sobbed. How could she go like this? All these days, I've been happy and having the time of my life, where mum was suffering and passed away.

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