Caught Red-handed pt1

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Siyeon's POV

I opened my eyes, and saw that I fell asleep on the chair. So when I got up, my neck felt stiff. Aish jinja! Why did I fall asleep here? I went to the bathroom, and washed my face. Then I looked at my arms. Marks. All I saw was marks. I wish my healing powers could work faster. It's probably going to be there for a couple more days.

I quickly got changed into my uniform, and went downstairs.

"Annyeong Siyeon." Jin oppa said.

"Hi." Was all I said.

I started eating, and faintly smiled at everyone.

"Sorry about yesterday. Just had a rough day." I explained to them.

They just nodded, and didn't push it any further. I got up, since I finished, and told them that I was going now. I left and started heading to school. I honestly don't care anymore. Let him do whatever, I'll just have to stop him.

When I reached school, I straight away went to the roof. I hope he's not there.

When I opened the door, I didn't see anyone so I sighed in relief. I sat down, and kept my eyes wide open to see if he was coming. Today I am in a foul mood. In a slump. So I had a blank expression on my face. I wasn't thinking of anything in particular, just yeah... When I started hearing chatter, I knew that the school was starting to become full of students, so I got up and left to class. The noise gradually started getting louder. I sat down in Bammie's seat, becuase I wanted to be near the window. He didn't mind, which I was thankful for.

I wasn't paying attention to anything the teacher was saying at all. Just gazing outside of the window. The teacher never picks on me in class, since she knows that I always get the answer right. She rarely picks me, so there was no problem.


When it was break, I just stood near everyone. Not wanting to do anything as they were talking. Then, suddenly someone stepped on my foot, really hard. I grabbed my foot and whined in pain, well quietly. I looked up to see who it was. I glared at him.

"Yah!" I shouted loud enough so only he could hear.

"What?" He replied.

I gave a deadly glare, and was going to walk away, when he grabbed my wrist, and pulled me away. He pulled me all the way to the roof. No one noticed that happened, which was good I guess.

"Let go!" I shouted.

I didn't want to talk to him, but I had no choice since he literally dragged me here.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I want to talk to you."

"Okay, but first apologise." I ordered him.

"Apologise? For what?"

"For stepping on my shoe idiot." I stated.

"It was an accident."

"I can't believe this. If you aren't going to apologise, then I'm leaving." I told him.

"This isn't just about me stepping on your foot is it?" Jungkook asked.

"No. It's also about the stupid argument you had with me."

"Oh. Well I'm not apologising for that, becuase you accused Yerin for doing something completely ridiculous. However, I will apologise for stepping on your door. I'm sorry."

"I don't get it! Why do you believe in her soo much? I asked her, and she even told me that you were her little mission. Dang it! I should've recorded it. Anyway, just... Why don't you believe me Kookie?" I asked him, while my voice was trembling.

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