Strange Behaviour...

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Siyeon's POV

With all this going on, I completely forgot about my argument with Jungkook, especially the kissing incident. Which is good I guess, since my mind was off it. I still wasn't on talking terms with him, since I can't forgive him for what he said. He really hurt my feelings. Even though I finally got rid of a major problem, I still had this big problem. Of course I do miss him from time to time, but I would never say or show it, because if I did, it would be like I lost this argument. Even though I was the one that got hurt.


After I came back from Seoul, I had the whole weekend to rest and recover. Which was really good for me. Got7 and BTS entertained me soo much. We played video games together, and they also played games with me, like: truth or dare, chinese whispers, rock, paper, scissors, etc.

When we came back, I also showed them my angel book, since they wanted to see it ever since I told them that I was an angel. This book was precious to me. If I lost it, I don't even know what I'd do. It had all of the answers for an angel's life. I even remembered why my powers were draining, when I skimmed through it again. It's because it's starting to become my time. I've reached the age where my powers are going to start to become weak, and I need to restore it.

Anyway, let's get off that topic. Today was Monday, and I stretched my arms wide, before getting out of bed. I took a quick shower, before putting my uniform on and going downstairs. We all had breakfast, before we left. They all drove there, and I started walking to school.

When I arrived at school, I entered with confidence. I accomplished a task soo big, that I was proud. But it all vanished in a split second, when Taejun approached me. Oh no! He always come at the wrong time! I rolled my eyes. But, when he approached me, there was something different in his eyes. Forget about that, when he came, he slammed me onto the wall really hard. I rubbed my poor, sore head, since he hit it too hard.

"Yah!! Are you crazy?!! Hajima!! It hurts!" I whined.

"Oh! Sorry! Did I hurt my darlings head?" He smirked, while slowly caressing my head.

I smacked his hand away from me.

"You're Sick!!" I shouted at his face.

I pushed him away, and turned around. But he yanked my arm, and pulled me towards him. My face was soo close to him. If I went any closer, I would end up kissing him.

"Do you want a little kiss?" He smirked.

I quickly pushed him, and ran away.

I ran to the roof as fast as I could, and didn't stop until I reached there. I didn't care that people gave me weird looks.

When I arrived, I stopped to catch my breath. My heart was beating really fast. What was that? Why is he suddenly acting like this? What happened to him? I slumped down, and hugged my knees.

I couldn't think straight. His sudden change of behaviour shocked me. Even though he always teased me, and played around with me, he never ever hurt me or took it this far. Something's going on for sure, but what? This was all I thought, before quietly going back to my classroom.


Narrator's POV

When Siyeon came back to her classroom, she sat back down into her seat. Jungkook saw how shaken she was, and was all of a sudden curious about what happened. Stop it Jungkook!! Stop being soo curious about everything that's got to do with her. Stop being curious all the time!! Jungkook thought. He smacked his forehead

Everyone was listening to the teacher's lecture, whereas Siyeon's thoughts were wondering about something else. She was too occupied to listen. She was soo lucky that it was maths, because she already learnt it since she knew everything about maths. Maths is kind of like a language for her, that's why it's easy to understand.

Siyeon was getting a little wary after she experienced him like that. Just the thought of him now, makes her gulp ang get nervous.


Siyeon's POV

I went to the library in lunchtime, and sat down at a table. I layed my head on the table, and sighed. All of that thinking and worrying was giving me a bad headache. I suddenly closed my eyes, since my eyelids felt heavy.


When I opened my eyes, I realised I had a short nap. I instantly looked at the time, and saw that it was still lunchtime, so I was glad that I woke up before the bell went. I stood up, and exited the library. I was just strolling in the hallway, and then stopped in my tracks. When I heard a familiar voice, I quickly hid.

"It's almost time. I can't wait to have little Skylar right up my sleeve. When I finally have her, I'll be complete."

When I heard that, I accidently gasped out loud. I quickly covered my mouth, while my heart was racing. Oh, no! Why did I do that? Did he hear? Oh please no!!

"You didn't actually think that I wouldn't find you, did you?" Someone said, whilst their breath was tickling my neck.

I jumped in fright, and put a hand on my chest, trying to calm down.

"Oh, did I scare you my little lamb?" He cooed.

Lamb, what the-

Like lightning, he slammed me onto the wall, again, and laid his arm across my neck, basically from shoulder to shoulder. So he was kind of like choking me. After, what he did, made my eyes wide. He didn't just do that, did he? He couldn't have?

He kissed the side of my neck. With fast reflexes, I kicked him right in the shin, and was about to run, when he quickly twisted my arm behind my back.

"You're only mine Skylar. Only mine." He sternly said.

I yanked my hand out of his grasp, and escaped in a split second.

#Happy 16th Birthday to Kim Saeron!!! Wow, she's 16!! I quickly tried to finish this chapter, so I could say this. She's one of my favourite actresses, and I will always love her. She's soo cute and pretty!!

Anyway, how did you like this chapter? Please comment below.

A cute picture of Saeron at the top!!

^_^ Byeeeeee!!

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