My Angel!

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Siyeon's POV

My eyes fluttered open. What was going on? Was that a dream? Or... My head was pounding. What on earth happened? I couldn't even see properly, as if my vision was blurry. I have no strength left. I felt like I was drained out or something.

Suddenly, I felt something cold on my neck. I slowly looked down, and tried to see what it was. It was a.....necklace? So it wasn't a dream? I met him. I really met him! I lifted my arms up carefully, since I was in pain, and opened the pendant. It was a special pendant where hologram pictures of my childhood with TJ showed up. I smiled at them. Just thinking about them made me teary eyed. I miss you Taejun. Even though it hasn't been 24 hours yet, it feels like you've been gone for months.

I wonder what happened after I fainted? Wait! Is everyone okay? My eyes wondered around the room. I tried getting up, but my body felt heavy. I felt restless, I don't know why. My eyes were getting tired, and they automatically closed.


The light blinded me as I woke up. I squinted my eyes. What the? I saw a face. Ugh, who's face is that? I couldn't completely see who it was. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening it again. When my vision cleared up, I saw it was..... Jiho unnie.

"Annyeong....Jiho....unnie..." I croaked.

"You're awake!" Jiho unnie exclaimed.

"I...woke up...before..." I told her.

"I'm soo happy you're awake." She screamed, and hugged me.

I groaned.

"Oops, sorry, I forgot." She let go, and apologised.

I smiled, and said it was fine.

I looked at the clock, and saw it was 1pm. How long was I out? I'm sure it's only been a few hours.

"Are the...others...alright from...yesterday?" I asked.

"Uggh...." She paused.


"Thankfully everyone's fine, because of you. But you weren't.

" you...mean?" I asked.

"Siyeon, it's been two weeks." She told me.

"WHAAATTTT!!!" I shouted.

"You're telling me that I was out for two weeks, and the incident happened two weeks ago?" I asked.

She nodded.

So it wasn't less than 24 hours. It's already been two weeks after TJ's death.

"Aw, I missed soo much school." I pouted.

"You care about school when you're in this condition?" She asked.

"Do you know what happened? You died for like 5 minutes. We were all devastated, until your heart started beating again, after what seemed like forever." Jiho unnie blurted out.

I let the news sink in. What?! So I died? If I died, then how am I alive right now? Eomma couldn't have done it since it's against the rules to bring someone back to life. Hmmm, oh yeah...

"Actually, I would have died...if this happened before, but...I only survived because my powers were glitching, so it caused... a massive release of energy, and because of that it clicked in my body, after I died, or what you say that my heart stopped beating." I told her.


I just talked with unnie. She explained and told me about how everyone was worrying about me, and how they skipped meals and were devastated when they found out that the doctors couldn't save me. But then were relieved when it turned out that I was still alive. She told me how she became friends with all of the BTS members as well as unnie and the GOT7 members.Then what she said next, was shocking. She told me that she didn't go to her house yet, and I got angry at her. I thought she was crazy. She should be urging to meet them, as they are her parents, but here she was waiting for me to wake up, so she could take me with her.

"What if I didn't wake up after a month or two, what would you have done?" I asked her.

"I would still wait for you Siyeon." She sternly said.

"That's really flattering of you to say and all, and I'm honoured, but it's your parents we're talking about. They're more important than me, you should have at least went once." I told her.

"No. You're important too. You helped me, became my friend and even emotionally healed me. You're my angel Siyeon, and I want to stay right by your side." She confessed. (Don't think any weird things, she likes her as a friend)

I was touched by her words and smiled. I hugged her.

"Me too unnie. Even though we met in a bad circumstance, and also haven't known each other for a long time, I felt a special connection from you. Like we knew each other before." I told her.

"Thanks Siyeon." She smiled.

There was a brief silence, until...

"OMG! I didn't even tell the others that you're awake. I sent them home because they came here yesterday after a concert, and didn't sleep." She told me, before running out of my hospital room.

I chuckled at her clumsiness. Wait! Oppa's came here after being soo tired. That's sweet, but I'm going to have to give them a big scolding when they come. I mean, what were they thinking. They're idols for god sake. They have to take of their health, or all the fans will miss them. I shook my head.

While I stared at the ceiling, my eyes drooped and I fell asleep.

#Hey! Who saw the concept pictures. OMG, I'm soo dead. Jungkook killed me. He's soo hot. Who are your favourites, I love all of them, but Jungkook's my bae!


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