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Jimin POV

When Siyeon told me that she was going to do her plan today, it really made me nervous and worried. Of course I could tell that whatever she told me about her plan wasn't all of it, and that she skipped and missed some important information. I knew just when she was talking, she purposely missed it. But hey, I'm going to trust her, and assume that whatever she is doing, is right. Plus, she's doing it for her own sake and not just ours. If it was just us, then I would have complained, but I knew that whatever it was, it was for her sake to.


After she went, I was deep into worry, thinking about what will happen. I know she told me that she'd be fine, but she said something that kind of made me doubt myself. She said,

"If I don't come by midnight, then please track my phone, and find me." I mean come on, whoever says that, will obviously make you scared. This means that she knows something bad's going to happen. Ugh, Siyeon, why do you have to make me feel like this? (Don't take it the wrong way, he only means as in why is she making him soo worried.)

Narrator's POV

Jimin was in the living room. Even though the T.V was on, he paid no attention to it. Every once in a while, he would peer out of the window, just to see if Siyeon was coming. All of the members found his behaviour quite weird, heck even Jungkook was starting to become curious about what happened. But he thought that maybe Jimin was like that because he was worried about Siyeon. And plus, if he all of a sudden started a conversation about Siyeon, he knew that someone would ask him about what happened between him and Siyeon. And on top of that, how was he meant to explain that he made the argument worse by causing a major misunderstanding, so he kept quiet.


Suga couldn't keep quiet any longer, so he asked Jimin,

"Where is Siyeon? How come she's not here yet?"

"Siyeon's coming late." Jimin replied.

"Yeah, but how late? It's already getting dark." Suga said.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

They were all surprised because they thought that Jimin would never let her come soo late, as he's such a worry wart.

"Do you know what she is doing?" Rap Monster asked him.

"She's doing something really important." Jimin said.

When he said that, he made everyone confused. They stopped asking Jimin questions because they knew that he would just answer them with stupid riddles.


It became really late, and everyone was starting to get really worried, especially Jimin. He honestly didn't know that she would take this long. He tried calling her, but it kept on saying that her phone was switched off.

"Jimin, shouldn't we look for her? I mean, it's becoming late." Jin told Jimin.

"No! Not now, we'll still wait. If she doesn't come by midnight, then we'll search."

"Why midnight? Isn't that a bit too late?" J-Hope asked him.

"Just trust me on this!" Jimin said, while looking at his hyungs.

They all sighed, and agreed with him, so they waited some more.


Time skipped, and it was already midnight, yet she still never came. Jimin couldn't take it anymore, and told everyone to get ready. He quickly got changed, and ran downstairs. They all came down, ready to search for her. Just as they opened the door, Jimin noticed Siyeon.

"Good...I made it!" She panted, as she was out of breath.

They all just froze and stared at her. She was beaten black and blue, and had white cracked lips with blood oozing out of her forehead, knuckles and more. They were all shocked at the state she was in. She had soo many injuries, that they were all surprised she even had the energy to run here. Jimin didn't know what to say. No, he couldn't even find the words to say anything.

As soon as she took a step forward, she instantly collapsed and fainted.

#Sorry that it's soo short, but I promise that the next chapter will be long, so stay tuned!!!!

^_^ Hope you keep on supporting this book, and also me!!

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