Terrifying Nightmare!!

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Siyeon's POV


I was in a white room. Where am I? I looked around, but of course all that I could see was white. For some reason, I felt rain drops onto my skin. I looked up, and then I see a blue sky, with a grey clouds and lightning striking. When I look back around, I see that everything changed. I was now standing in the middle of a grass field. I couldn't see anything as the grass was really tall. I felt like I was in a maze. It was full on raining, and I was trying to find my way out, when suddenly a face popped out of nowhere, and I jumped, and ended up falling on my butt. I looked back up, but there was nothing there. I stood back up, and was soo happy! ( Note the sarcasm!) I had mud all over me. Great! Just great! I sighed. I had to find a way out of here. I ran around, and pushed the grass. But with no luck, I was still stuck in this mysterious land. I covered my face with my hands, and when I put my hands down, I noticed the change of scenery. I was now in a creepy looking house. I felt shivers down my spine. Where the hell am I? It looked like a abandoned house you might find in movies. Well, at least i'm away from the rain. I slowly went up the stairs and found a room. When I went to open it, I found it locked. I started pushing it, but it didn't budge. I placed all my weight on it, and it flung open, and my face slammed onto the ground. Ouch, that hurt. I looked back and,

"AAAAAAHHH!!" A face popped up and screamed at me. I was soo scared. I got up, and legged it out of the house. When I did, I found myself on a mountain. It was snowing this time. Okay, this is crazy. All of a sudden, someone grabbed me and dragged me somewhere. My eyes were covered, so I didn't see where this mysterious person was taking me. All of a sudden, I could see everything, and now I was tied to a table. I couldn't move my feet, nor my hands, and they tied my neck to the table, so I couldn't move my neck and if I did, it hurt. My mouth was covered too. I then saw a silhouette enter, and he had a knife in his hand. He slowly made a long cut on my arm, which made me scream even louder as the pain was way worse, but it came out muffled. He then injected me, and then placed something inside my arm. Then the knife was pointing at my forehead. He was heading for my head. When he came closer I saw his face. He then sliced my forehead, and my blood oozed out. My blood soaked into my eyes, and my vision went...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~nightmare end~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"AHHHH!!" I screamed , while waking up. I was panting heavily and sweat was dropping rapidly off my head. What kind of dream was that? Oh my god. That was soo scary. That wasn't a flashback, it was a nightmare. I placed my hand on my heart, and took deep breaths to calm me down, as I was in a state of shock. The funny thing was that the person in my dream was the man I saw in the park, the one that followed me home. Why is he in my dream? He's too creepy. I quickly got up, and put my slippers on, before quickly tiptoeing downstairs and going to the kitchen. I got a cold water bottle and chugged it down like I didn't have water for a week. When I had enough, I sat down, and my forehead touched the counter top. I took a couple of breaths. What's happening? While I was catching my breath, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I was gonna scream, but then a hand covered my mouth. The person span me around, and I saw Jungkook. Thank god. He switched on the lights.

"Sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to. Anyway, what are you doing here so late at night?" He asked me.

"I should be asking you." I said.

He shrugged.

"Oh nothing, I just kind of had a... scary nightmare, so I came here to have some water and calm down." I explained.

"Jinjayo? That scary huh?"

I hesitated, but slowly nodded.

"Should I stay with you, or do you want to go back to your room?" He asked me.

Ahh, he's soo sweet.

"Aniyo, it's fine. You can go, i'm gonna go back to sleep anyway." I told him.

He smiled, before getting a bottle of water. I watched him leave, and I was relieved. There's no way i'm going back in my room. Plus I think I need a change of environment. I'll just stay here. I went to the living room, and layed down on the sofa. I slowly closed my eyes, going into dream land...

Jungkook's POV

When I went back upstairs, I drank some water from the water bottle. I wonder what her nightmare was about because she looked really scared, and it made her run all the way to the kitchen to calm down. I hope she doesn't have another one. I put the duvet over me, and I fell asleep.


I woke up, and rubbed my eyes. It's Saturday, so we had no school. I messed up my hair, and got up. I yawned and started cleaning my bed. I washed my face thoroughly and brushed my teeth, before going downstairs. That's funny, I don't smell Jin hyung's cooking or any noise. Usually, because everyone wakes up before me, it's soo noisy in the mornings. I went to Jin hyung's bedroom, and saw that Jin and Suga hyung was still sleeping, which means everyone is asleep because Jin hyung is always the first person to wake up. I went back downstairs, and went to the living room, so I could watch some television to kill time before Jin hyung wakes up and he makes breakfast. But when I went, I saw Siyeon sleeping on the sofa. What the? I thought she went to her room. Was she that scared? I saw her slightly shivering, so I quickly found a duvet and placed it on top of her. Aish, this girl. If she's scared, she should tell someone, not suffer alone. I wish Siyeon could tell her feelings to everyone because she doesn't, and that's what's making everyone worried about her. Everyone wants her to share her worries, but it's like she has these walls around her, and she can't tell us. Plus I still haven't forgot about the other day, when she came home with bruises and cuts, that was when she was angry at all of us. I bet she thought everyone forgot, but I haven't. I decided to go upstairs and go back to my room, because I didn't want her to wake up. I just went on my phone, and was listening to music, to waste time. Before I knew it, I heard voices and one particular voice. I knew who it was, because he came every morning to wake me up.

"Jungkookie wake u-" He shouted, but stopped when he saw me.

"Ne Jimin hyung." I said.

"What!! Everybody a miracle just happened.!!" He shouted and ran downstairs.

Okay? I went back downstairs, and heard Jimin say,

"You won't believe it. Jungkook was awake!" He said, which made everyone gasp.

"What's so shocking about that?" I asked.

"Because you never wake up. Not even when we shout or scream in your ear." V hyung said.

"Actually, I woke up before all of you. Even you Jin hyung." I said.

"Is something wrong Jungkook?" Jin hyung asked me.

"Aniyo. What is wrong with you all?" I said, and went up the stairs.

As I was, I saw Siyeon come out of her room. I guess she woke up and went to her room.

"Annyeong Siyeon, had a good dream?" I asked.

"Yeah. I didn't have another nightmare, so i'm fine." She smiled at me.

I smiled back at her, before going back down because Jin hyung called everyone for breakfast.

#Hope u like the chapter.

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