Chapter 76

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"That lunch was amazing." Meryl said holding Don's hand as they walked back in to the courthouse.

Don smiled at her. "The lunch or the pie?"

"You know me too well." Meryl smiled referring how they stopped to get pie on the way back to the courthouse after Mike and Larry left to get back to the courthouse to prepare for the afternoon.

An unwanted visitor walked up with a baby. "Not as well as he knows me."

"Peggy?" Don sighed as he pulled Meryl close. "What in the hell are you doing here?"

Peggy smiled sweetly. "I'm here to help."

"Help?" Meryl laughed. "Really?"

Don looked at the baby in her arms. "I thought he was in foster care since he was two inept parents."

"Misunderstanding. I got him back." Peggy said holding Harry up. "Here Harry, want to go see Daddy?"

It didn't take Meryl long to explode upon hearing those words. "EXCUSE ME?!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Don was livid.

Peggy smiled sweetly. "You should be with us and not that whore."

"I haven't touched you in 14 years." Don was shocked and yet noticed how quiet his wife was. "Mer, baby, I..."

Meryl pulled Don's face to hers and placed a long and steamy kiss on his lips. As he was still reeling from the amazing kiss his wife gave him Meryl then turns to Peggy. "Get this straight, Peggy, Don is MY husband. Henry is OUR son. NOT Harry. I don't know what fucking fantasy world you are living in but it's time for reality to hit you in the ass. Don and OUR CHILDREN are everything to me. You're fucking his father for god sakes. Try all you want but you CAN'T hurt us. You came to New York at Christmas to try to hurt us and you FAILED, AGAIN. That's all you are is a failure and I won't allow you to hurt my husband or our children."

"Listen to me, you fucking bitch!" Don was furious. "This woman, this one here, is EVERYTHING to me; and our children. She is the ONLY woman that has EVER belonged in my arms. You were the biggest mistake of my life; and I am so tired of my wife and children paying the price for that mistake. That's what you are, a mistake. A mistake I wish would get the fuck out of my life. I swear, Peggy, you hurt Meryl and Henry or our baby? You will wish you never met me!"

"We'll just see what happens in court." Peggy said walking off.

Don pulled Meryl to him; and it was his turn to place a steamy kiss on her lips. "That was hot."

"You think so?" Meryl giggled at him as he nodded. "Why is it you think everything I do is hot?"

Don smiled as he bent down to place sweet kissed on her bruises. "Because I love you so damn much."

"I love you too, baby." Meryl whispered as she pulled his head back to hers. "It just pisses me the fuck off when she thinks she has some sort of right to you. You've been divorced for 14 years, Don."

Don shook his head. "I have no clue what she's thinking. I just don't want her to hurt you. I couldn't take that."

"You won't let it." Meryl winked at him.

They then saw Larry peek his head out of the courtroom. "Don, we need to visit with you."

"Go." Meryl said giving him a kiss to his lips. "I need to use the restroom."

Don got a serious look on his face. "Where did she go? I don't want you to run into her. You'll be okay?"

"I didn't see her go in there. I'll be fine." Meryl tried to assuage his fears.

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now