Chapter 38

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The next day Don, Meryl and Henry boarded the private jet for New York. All three of them enjoyed a nice nap and then Third and Maeve picked them up and took them to their new apartment. Don and Meryl thanked them, then called everyone else who helped to thank them, for ALL they had done. Since Don and Meryl were both under strict orders not to do any of the moving and packing themselves by their doctor, they didn't know WHAT they would have done without her family and Larry and Liz. Once Third and Maeve left, Don and Meryl showed Henry around their new apartment; the two of them getting used to it as well. They both smiled that their family knew them well enough, and they had enough conversations, that things were placed where they wanted them. They were already feeling comfortable in their new home. They called out for pizza that night because Don didn't want Meryl to even think about cooking; they were already missing the pizza in Florence. Another wonderful thing her family did for them was stock the refrigerator and pantry. They didn't even have to think about going to the market; and Don was thankful that was one thing off his wife's list that was crossed off. Things with the move couldn't have worked out any better.


Don took the opportunity of Meryl being busy with Henry to go and look for something he was worried about. He noticed that her jewelry boxes were where she would want them. He began searching through them and started to become more frantic. He also looked trough her drawers where the women put her jewelry, knowing how she liked things organized, and he couldn't find what he was looking for. With each passing look he became more and more frantic; and his stomach began to sink more and more. He finally went to the phone and dialed a number. "Mom, it's Don."

"Oh, hi honey. Are you and my daughter and grandson getting settled in alright?" Mary Streep asked on the other end of the phone.

Don sat down on the bed while he was on the phone. "Yeah, thanks again for everything. Listen, Meryl doesn't know I'm calling but I'm looking for something of hers and I can't find it. It's meant to be a surprise. I bought her a charm for the charm bracelet I gave her two years ago and can't seem to find it. Did you pack her jewelry? It was in her jewelry box."

"Yeah, Don, I did; I also unpacked everything just like she had it." Mary said. "Honey, I didn't see her charm bracelet. I know what you're talking about; she loves it. I figured she had it."

Don was becoming more nervous. It seemed Mann ruined anything to do with him; and he was betting that meant he took it. "She didn't have it in Millerton. Damn it."

"Honey, I'm sure it will turn up." Mary tried to console her son-in-law. "These things happen in moves."

Don nodded. "And you all checked the old place, right?"

"Yeah, we did." Mary said. "It will turn up. I know you have been through a lot as well. Don't focus on what he TOOK, focus on what you and Meryl have."

Don took a deep breath. "Thanks; and thank you for everything. We'll talk soon. Bye."

Don knew his mother-in-law was right. He also knew how special that bracelet was to her, to both of them; and he was tired of that fucker taking things from her.


Meryl wondered what happened to Don and why he wasn't putting Henry down with her. He said he just had to check on something but that was quite awhile ago. It took awhile to get Henry down because of the time difference, and the new surroundings; but she knew if she didn't get him to sleep that he would really be off his schedule. Meryl first looked in their bedroom and was surprised to find her jewelry box and jewelry drawers were open. She went to close them and then continued to try and locate her husband. Her search finally led her to a spare bedroom where she saw him going through box after box. Throwing things over his shoulder. He was definitely on a mission. His language though surprised her as he kept muttering "fuck" and "damn it." Don only got like that when someone was threatening her or Henry or now their baby.

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now