Chapter 62

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Henry looked at his father with sad eyes. "He hoot Mommy. Mommy sweam. He hurt me. He hurt Mommy. Mean man, Daddy. He hoot my mommy. Daddy, you save Mommy now?"

"I'll always help BOTH of you, Henry." Don choked as he knelt down in front of Meryl. "Baby, it's me, it's Don, sweetheart. He isn't here. You both are safe."

Meryl continued to cry. "He's going to hurt you; he'll take us."

"Daddy get us, Mommy." Henry tried to console his mother. "I no like it Mommy sad, Daddy."

Don kissed his son's head and took him into his arms as he was struggling for composure. "Me either, buddy. I don't like it when either of you are sad."

"Don't take him!" Meryl screamed. "Don't hurt him."

Harry decided to step in and tried to take Henry. "Come on, bud."

"NO, GWANPA, NO!" Henry cried as he wrapped his arms around Don's neck. "No mean man. Me stay, Mommy and Daddy."

Don nodded to her parents as they made themselves scarce. "No one's going to take you away again, Hen, Daddy promises you." Don then placed one hand on Meryl's cheek as he kissed Henry's cheek. "Sweetheart, please look at me."

"D-Do-Don?" Meryl asked coming out of her state.

Don nodded as he went to sit next to her, holding Henry in one arm and her in the other. "It's me, Darl, you're okay baby. You're safe. Henry is safe."

"What happened?" Meryl asked realizing she was on the floor in the corner of the living room. She also noticed the upset look on Henry's face. "Why is he upset?"

Now Don was really worried. "You don't remember what happened?"

"Not really." Meryl said. "You were ordering pizza then there was a knock and...oh, Don. I'm so sorry. I lost it didn't I?"

Don kissed her head as he turned to her. "It's okay, love, it just scared me." He said giving Henry to her. "This little guy was trying to cheer you up. He asked me to save you. We both agreed we don't like it when Mommy is sad. You and Hen were afraid the mean man is coming back. He's not, baby, he's not coming back."

"You always save us." Meryl choked. "I'm losing it, aren't I?"

Don shook his head as he kissed her forehead and was happy that Henry was starting to calm down. "No, you're NOT. Baby, you were traumatized. This is your first few hours back in the place you and Henry were abducted from. We both knew there would be bumps. I'm booking us into a hotel, NOW. You're not staying here."

"Don, NO!" Meryl said pulling on his arm. "Remember what the social worker said in the hospital? Being back here is part of healing. She warned us about this. I am just so sorry I upset you and Hen."

Don shook his head. "Do NOT apologize. We were just taking care of our girl, right Hen Man?"

"We wuv Mommy." Henry said looking at Don. "We wuv ou, Daddy."

Don kissed his son's head. "We sure love our Gippy. Baby, how are you doing?"

"Embarrassed." Meryl choked.

Don shook his head as he wiped her tears. "Don't be. We just have to work through this."

"Thank you for helping me." Meryl choked. "You both for helping me."

Don was relieved this episode was short lived; unlike the episode in the hospital with the male nurse. "You're my girl, I just want you to be okay."

"I will be." Meryl said taking a calming and deep breath. "Because of you two."

Don nodded as he kissed her again. "I love you more than anything, Meryl Gummer."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang