Chapter 31

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After the much needed, and supportive, heart to heart with his father-in-law, Don headed back inside. He first checked on Henry and then turned the baby monitor back on so he and Meryl could listen for him throughout the night. When he entered the bedroom he shared with his wife at her parents' home in Connecticut he smiled at the vision before him: his wife lying on her side which made her baby bump look bigger than it was, her glasses in her hand, her book lying beside her and she was snuggled up to his pillow. Despite all the challenges of the past few days she was absolutely glowing. Don resisted the urge to go and kiss her and went to brush his teeth in the en-suite bathroom in her room at her parents. When he came back out he smiled again at the vision of his wife. She was taking up most of the bed but he didn't care. He sat on the edge of the bed, stroked her belly, and just smiled as he watched her sleep. He thought about the events of the day and the wonderful conversation with his father-in-law. Though he told Harry things no one else knew, it felt good to confide in someone else. As he watched the love of his life sleep, her chest rise and fall with every breath, the swell of her belly that was nurturing and protecting their baby, he also thought of their son sleeping peacefully down the hall; Don knew his childhood didn't matter, all that mattered was his family now: his wife and children. That was truly all that mattered; and it was where his joy, inspiration and love laid. Don took the glasses out of her hand and placed them and her book on his bedside table. He then placed a tender kiss on her forehead and then her lips. "Night baby, I love you."

"Don?" Meryl said reaching out to him.

Don sighed, he didn't mean to wake her up. He placed a kiss on her cheek and ran his fingers through her hair. "Go back to sleep, baby. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Was waiting for you." Meryl mumbled half-asleep.

Don couldn't help but laugh. "I can tell. Stay right where you are and I'll go sleep in Dana's room."

"No way." Meryl said as that woke her up a little bit more. "Come to bed with me."

Don smirked as he saw her move over and he got into bed and turned her on her other side so he could snuggle up behind her, with his hands protectively on her belly and his lips kissing her neck. "How's that?"

"Perfect." Meryl mumbled as her hand went to the back of his head. "You okay?"

Don nodded as he held her tighter and closed his eyes. "I'm fine, love, get some sleep and we'll talk in the morning. I love you."

"Love you." Meryl said as sleep began to take over. "My...Don Man."


"Don, you need to go." Harry told Don Don after turning off the baby monitor and ushering him out of Henry's room and into the hallway.

Don looked at Harry in shock. "What? You want us to leave? I'm sorry if we have overstayed our welcome. I'll just get Meryl and Henry and we'll leave."

"No, not them, just you." Harry said sternly.  "Don you and your family aren't a good influence on Meryl and the children. Ever since you came into her life you and your family have created one drama after another. I know you think you're good for her, but you're not. She is way out of your league. You need to leave her and the children behind; you need to leave and never come back."

Don was heartbroken; he finally found his voice after several moments of silence.  "I would protect all of them with my life. I love her. I love our children. I love our life."

"If you truly love them then leave. Leave and never come back. My daughter has been through enough in her life. She sure doesn't need the drama and stress your family causes." Harry said.

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