Chapter 75

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"If he doesn't take a nap today, that's okay." Meryl said running through the list of things regarding Henry for Maggie. "If he does, he CANNOT have the light on. I'm sorry, but this is so important."

Don nodded as he placed a calming hand on Meryl's shoulder. "Mann never turned the lights on for them and would scream and hurt Meryl and Henry in the dark." Don said looking around to make sure Henry was still with Liz. "He's still been sleeping with us with the lights on; because of nightmares."

"Oh, Meryl." Maggie choked. "Of course; honey, he really will be fine."

Meryl nodded as she choked on her tears and looked at Don. "I don't know what's wrong with me; I know how much he loves it here and you, Maggie."

"You and Henry went through hell together, that's what's wrong." Don said cupping her head. "It's still hard to leave him. You fought to the death for that boy, and our baby; it's still raw."

Meryl gave him a smile. "Thank you."

"He's right, Meryl." Maggie said putting her hand on Meryl's. "We won't leave him in a room alone and will keep all the lights on."

Meryl took a deep breath. "Thank you so much. He loves you so much; and Liz and Susie so I know he will have a great time with all of you. This will just be the longest I've been apart from him in I don't know how long."

"We usually just leave him with her parents, or Liz, or her brother and his wife for a few hours since all of this." Don added. "We haven't attempted potty training yet so diapers are in the diaper bag as well as some snacks, change of clothes and his toys."

Meryl nodded. "Here is Colt, he LOVES Colt."

"Like his father." Maggie smiled. 

Henry ran in. "Daddy! Daddy! Me cowor with SOO! Gamma Bwown, me cowor."

"And he's amazing." Don smiled as Meryl leaned down to pick him up since he still couldn't. "A natural."

Maggie smiled. "I remember another little Gummer boy loving to color."

"He's talented just like his Daddy." Meryl said giving Henry a kiss.

Jane looked up at the clock on the wall. "You two better get going."

"Yeah." Don said as Meryl kissed Henry then handed him over to Don. "Hen Man, Mommy and Daddy have to go to meetings today."

Henry thrashed his head. "No, MOMMY DADDY! NO BYE BYE! I GO! I GO! I GOOD!"

"You are ALWAYS good, big guy." Don said when he could tell this was already tearing Meryl apart. "You are Mommy and Daddy's big boy and we love you SO SO SO MUCH!"

Meryl kissed all over Henry's face. "SO SO SO MUCH, Gippy. Mommy and Daddy are also SOOO proud of you. You get to stay and play with Grandma Brown and Aunt Liz and Susie. You love to play with Susie, Hen Man."

"NOOOOOOO!" Henry screamed. "Bad man come. He scweam. Hoot Mommy, Daddy, hoot me."

Don shook his head as he held Henry close. "No buddy, the bad man is NEVER going to hurt you and Mommy again, EVER."

"You gut us, Daddy?" Henry looked at his father.

Meryl nodded as she rubbed circles on Henry's back. "That's right, Gippy, Daddy got us and always will. The bad man is gone, sweetheart."

"This happen a lot?" Maggie whispered in Meryl's ear.

Meryl nodded. "Whenever we leave; I hate it."

"The awful things you two went through." Maggie shook her head as she hugged Meryl then turned to Henry. "Hey Henry, want to help me and Aunt Liz and Susie make cookies? You can even eat some."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now