Chapter 78

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"Donald." Jane said walking over to Don and Meryl the next day in the court room. "Meryl."

Don took a deep breath as he wrapped his arm around his wife. "NO! You don't talk to my wife."

"Don, baby." Meryl said rubbing his thigh. "It's okay; you're here."

Jane took a deep breath. "How are you two feeling? Henry? How is the baby?"

"Unfuckingbelievable." Don breathed. "You try to keep MY WIFE away from me after she experienced the WORST violation ANY person could experience, you try to take OUR son away from her, you cause her to fucking collapse and you want to talk to us? You told a woman who had just been violated in the worst possible way that she deserved it. Not just ANY woman; my wife. Then you PRETEND to care how she, our son and our baby she is carrying are? I don't think so."

Jane was choking on her tears. "Don, she didn't try to track me down to let me know how you were doing."

"Good lord, MOTHER!" Don seethed. "She was just a little busy making life and death decisions for me; because she is the ONLY person in the world I would trust to do that; definitely not you. She was making sure our son was taken care of. She gave him EVERYTHING when they were locked up, thanks to your husband, to make sure he and our baby survived. Then she was questioned by the police and had to endure a humiliating exam because of what happened to her. Why on earth would she even think to track you down at that time after she knew what James did? She knew I wouldn't want you two anywhere NEAR my family, or me. My wife was doing what she does best: taking care of our children and me. Instead of thanking her for making a tough decision that saved my life you tried to take me away from her. I heard it, MOTHER! I never want you around her or our family again. You haven't even TRIED to apologize to her."

Meryl rubbed his neck. "Baby, calm down. It's not good for you to get so upset."

"Is something wrong?" Jane asked concerned. 

Don nodded. "Yeah, the way you treat me and my family; that's what's wrong. You telling my wife hours after she was rescued from torture and rape that she deserved it-that's what's wrong."

"Jane." Larry said walking over. "There is still a restraining order against you. I understand because of the trial that you four will be in the same place; but I could have you arrested for talking to them."

Jane couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You didn't remove the restraining order she placed on me?"

"Meryl didn't place it." Larry began. "I did because I was following Don's wishes which are in writing."

Don nodded as he kissed the top of Meryl's head. "Judging by the way you acted two nights ago and right now then I won't be pulling it. If you pull this crap again then I will have you arrested."

"Meryl, talk to him." Jane said. "You can get through to him."

Don was really livid. "So, you'll be nice to her when you think it might serve you? My god, you are just like James!"

"I would never do that, Jane. I support my husband 100%. I have tried so hard with you. I wanted you to like me so damn bad." Meryl choked. "My husband and children's health and safety isn't worth it. You threw away ANY trust I had in you when you tried to get my husband and son moved to another fucking state without my knowledge. I support Don and we are together in everything."

Don blinked back the tears at the love he heard in his wife's trembling voice. "I think you should go take your seat."

"I can have her arrested." Larry said when Jane walked off. "She broke the order; just say the word."

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