Chapter 85

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"This is it." Don said running up to the warehouse. "My God, it's a shithole."

Third agreed. "Let's get them."

"HENRY!" Don exclaimed as he picked Henry up as he about walked out the door. "Oh my God, you're okay, you're okay."

Henry smiled for the first time in a long time. "DADDY!"

"Oh, I love you." Don cried with happy tears as he kissed him.

Henry heard his mother scream. "Help Mommy. Mommy sad. Mommy scawed."

"Third?" Don said giving Henry to him and kissing Henry's head.


Meryl was trying to ignore what was being done to her that was until she heard the voice she'd been waiting for. "DON! DON! HELP ME!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Mann said slamming into her and biting her neck. Due to the abuse she had received she was bleeding everywhere. "YOU'RE MINE."


"Daddy!" Henry cried trying to go back to Don.

Don could hear Meryl screaming but didn't want to alert Mann that he was there. "I'm going to get Mommy."

"Come on, buddy." Third said running to the door. "We're going to get help."


"STOP! PLEASE STOP!" Meryl cried. "DON! HELP ME! DON!"

Don flew open the door and temporarily froze at the sight on Mann behind her, holding her head up by her hair. She was bleeding everywhere. Don then saw a blind rage as he ran over and grabbed the son of a bitch. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY WIFE!"

"DON!" Meryl cried in relief but also humiliation that he was seeing her like this. She knew he would come and he did. He rescued her before that son of a bitch spilled his demon seed within her. She just held her stomach praying that their baby was okay. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Don picked Mann up and threw him to the ground. "He's never gonna fucking touch you again, baby." Don got on top of Mann after pulling his fucking boxers up him and punched him over and over. "You like terrifying women and children? Beating them? Fucking raping them? I'm going to fucking kill you!"

"Don! Please don't. I need you so much." Meryl cried as she pulled her clothes on. "I can't lose you, please, not now."

Don knew she and their children absolutely came first and so he got up and stomped on his crotch. "Don't you EVER come near her again or our children EVER again."

"Oh, Don." Meryl cried as he held her in his arms. "I'm so sorry. I tried to fight."

Don kissed her head over and over. "You did everything perfectly, I know it, sweetheart. This isn't your fault, not at all. I love you so fucking much, baby, but I need to make sure he doesn't get away."

"Okay." Meryl said shakily as she let go of him and all of a sudden felt sharp pains in her stomach but didn't want to cause Don more worry or stress while making sure Mann did't escape. "I love you so much."

Don kissed all over her face as he reluctantly let go of her. "I love you, Mary Louise, so damn much. I'll be right back. I'm sure as hell not going anywhere without you now."

"I know." Meryl cried as she grabbed her stomach.

Don went over and picked up Mann pinning him against the wall. "You are going to pay you fucking bastard. You are going to be as frightened and tortured and go through as much of a living hell just as you have made MY WIFE and MY SON and OUR BABY go through!"

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now