Chapter 23

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Don could tell when Meryl felt asleep and he was glad. He hated his nightmare woke her up but it was so damn real. It still shook him. Every time he closed his eyes he could see his father smacking her, he could hear her crying out in pain, he saw their baby boy die and then her passing out as she was wheeled out of the room. He also heard her voice blame him for everything. He knew she would never do that but it rocked him to his core. He couldn't ever let that happen. Meryl, Henry and their baby were more important to him than anything. He couldn't let anything happen to any of them. He knew if it did he would die. He needed to make sure they always felt loved and protected. He didn't care about him; all he cared about was Meryl and Henry and their baby. Don decided to talk to their baby since he couldn't sleep. He moved so Meryl rolled in her sleep onto her back and then bent down to talk to her belly. "Hey there, little Gummer. I'm your daddy. Your mommy and I love you so so so much and can't wait to meet you. You have a big brother Henry who is really excited to meet you." Meryl could feel Don's head on her belly and heard him talking as she woke up. She decided not to move and to just listen to what he was saying. "He's going to teach you some wonderful things, and I'm sure some not so wonderful things. That's what big brothers do. I want you to stay in your mommy's tummy and bake as long as you can. As excited as we are to meet you we want you to be healthy which means you need to stay in Mommy's tummy for as long as possible. I always want you, your mommy and brother to feel loved and safe; that is more important to me than anything. I don't care if we're broke as long as you all feel how much I love you and would do anything for you all then I know we will be rich. I will never hurt you or your brother or mother like your grandfather has done to me. Whatever you choose to do with your life will be wonderful. I am already so proud of you, baby boy, or girl, Gummer. All I want in this life is you, Henry and your mommy. I'll never hurt you, I promise, I promise."

"Don? Baby?" Meryl whispered as she choked back tears.

Don sighed, he hated that he woke her up...again. "I'm sorry I woke you up, again, baby."

"Get up here." She said pulling him up next to her. Oh, how she wished she could run her fingers through his hair as it calmed him down as much as it calmed her down. "I'm glad I woke up. I heard what you said, Don Man. You are the most amazing father and husband in the world. Sometimes I can't believe that not only are you real but that you're mine."

Don gave her a weak smile after she turned on the lamp and softly kiss her lips. "I thank the powers that be everyday that you're mine and I'm yours; and I'm glad you think so."

"Sweetheart, talk to me." Meryl said as she sat up in bed and he joined her. "This nightmare has really affected you and it breaks my heart. I really think it would help if you talked about it."

Don took a deep breath, he knew that he would have to tell her about the nightmare, eventually. "It was so awful."

"Hen's fine, I'm fine and our baby is fine; I promise you, Don Man." Meryl said with a kiss to his forehead. "But, you're not fine. Talk to me, baby. I want to make you feel better just as you always make me feel better. You need to heal and this stress is going to keep you from healing. You need to talk to me."

Don took a deep breath. "Okay."

"Just take your time and we'll take a break when you need it." Meryl said reassuringly. "I'm not going anywhere, Don Man."

Don gave her a hard kiss. "I'm so fucking glad."

"Start at the beginning." She said repeating what he told her so many times. "Start by starting."

Don smiled as he laced his fingers in hers; he just needed to touch her. "We were in Indiana. I didn't want to go but we decided we needed to work through all the shit with the family. Mann was in jail. I could see what was happening to you though I wasn't there. You were napping with Henry in my bedroom then you woke up when you heard noises downstairs and went to see if it was me. I had taken Mom to lunch but I kept calling to check on you and Hen."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now