Chapter 6

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After spending some time with Meryl's parents they finally convinced Don and Meryl to go have an afternoon date out. Both Don and Meryl were hesitant because of everything; and with Henry being sick. They knew it would be good for them but the thought of leaving Henry, even in the capable hands of her parents, scared them. They finally agreed but said they wouldn't be gone long. Meryl was writing things down while she and Don were talking privately in the kitchen. "He doesn't need another dose of medicine until this evening; so we'll be back."

"I want them to keep all the doors locked and I've already closed all the blinds." Don said to her. 

Meryl could see the hesitancy in his eyes. "Sweetheart, we don't have to go if you are uncomfortable with it."

"I want to go." Don said going over to her. "I want this time with you, even if it's for a few hours, I know he will be safe with his parents. You were right when you said we need to live our lives. I just worry. You know how I am with the two of you."

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips. "Just one of the millions of reasons I love you so damn much."

"I love you too, baby." Don said with a kiss to her forehead; he knew how that gesture made her feel so safe and loved and protected. "Come on, I have an idea of what we can do and you're dressed perfectly."

Meryl raised her eyebrow at him as they walked into the den where Henry and her parents were. "Now I'm intrigued."

"How's my big guy?" Don asked taking Henry from his mother-in-law and placed kisses on his head. "He feels a little cooler."

Mary nodded. "He's pretty lethargic but that's not surprising with Strep. I did get him to drink some of his apple juice."

"Oh, good." Meryl said as she also placed kisses all over her baby. "There's plenty more in the refrigerator. He can have Cheerios or cheese or some apple for a snack if you can get him to eat. I also bought him some popsicles for his throat."

Don nodded as he handed Henry off to Meryl and went to check the door that led from the den to the side of the yard. "Please keep the doors locked and the blinds drawn."

"You're out in the country; perfectly safe." Harry pointed out.

Meryl looked at Don and then at her father. "Please, Daddy."

"Ever since that little boy was taken only a few blocks from us we're both pretty jumpy." Don explained. "I know we're in the country but we both would feel better."

Mary looked at her husband and then at her daughter and son-in-law. "Yes, of course. He will be fine. You two get going. He will be just fine."

"Bye, Champ, Daddy loves you." Don said with a kiss to Henry's head as Meryl continued to hold him. "You ready, babe?"

Meryl nodded as she too kissed Henry. "Be good for Grandma and Grandpa; Mommy and Daddy will be back soon. I love you, Gippy."

"Now get going." Harry Jr. laughed as Mary took Henry in his arms.

Don wrapped an arm around Meryl as they grabbed their jackets and he led her out of the house. Once they got to the car Meryl turned to him. "I know how hard it is for both of us to leave him alone but I'm proud of the both of us."

"Me too." Don said as he opened the car door for her. "Come on, beautiful, I have plans for you."


"That was wonderful." Meryl said as Don helped her off her horse once they got back to the stables. "This was a great idea, Don Man."

Don smiled as he looked at her. There was still a chill in the air so her cheeks had a cute rosy hue to them. Her hair that was pulled back into a ponytail was wind blown. He wasn't just flattering her when he said she was dressed perfectly for what they had planned. He looked her up and down as she wore jeans tucked into what could have passed as riding boots, a v-neck sweater, her black glasses and her hair was pulled into what was now a windblown ponytail. Don pulled her close to him by the hips. "You are absolutely breathtaking. It looks like that LONG, HARD, ride was good for you."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now