Chapter 77

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"Thanks, Larry." Don said taking the bottle of water from him; and then turned to Meryl where she was sitting beside him in the courtroom. "Take your pills." Meryl sighed as she took the water from him and he took her pills from his suit coat pocket. "Here, blood pressure and Lasix pills since you were having a breathing attack."

Meryl took the pills then gave him small smile. "You worry too much."

"Sweetheart, if we aren't careful then they will put you on bed rest until the end of September. That means no movie, no premiere, no time out with Henry." Don said and kissed her lips. "And no date nights."

Meryl laughed at him. "You know how to speak my language. I'll be careful, I promise. I won't do anything to hurt our baby."

"I know that, Darl." Don said with a kiss to her lips. "I'm not just worried about the baby; I'm terrified that something will happen to you. I've lived that fear, I can't do it again."

Meryl ran her fingers through the little bit of hair he had on his head. "It won't, Don Man, thank you for taking care of me."

"Always." Don said as he saw someone approach them.

Mike came over to them. "We're about ready to start."

"And here he comes." Don said glaring at his father. "I could KILL him for the events he put into motion."

Meryl turned his face back to her. "We're all okay, baby."

"That's what matters." Don said almost as if he was telling himself that.

Meryl smiled as it was announced for everyone to stand and then the judge approached the bench. "You may be seated. Mr. Tisdale, your witness."

"Yes, your honor." Tisdale said getting up. "The defense calls Peggy Gummer to the stand."

Don looked at Meryl and kissed her forehead. "I love you so much."

"Not as much as I love you." Meryl whispered.

Don winked at her. "We'll just have to disagree on this one."

"Mrs. Gummer." Tisdale started after Peggy took the oath.

Meryl felt Don tense and he looked at her. "There's only one Mrs. Gummer for me."

"Good." Meryl whispered as she felt Don hold her closer.

Meryl and Don turned their attention to the witness stand as Tisdale continued. "How do you know the defendant?"

"He was my father-in-law for many years." Peggy started.

Mike jumped up. "Objection your honor. The witness and Donald Gummer were divorced only 12 months after they were married. That is NOT many years."

"Sustained." The judge said.

Tisdale nodded. "What is your relationship like with Donald Gummer?"

"He's the father of my baby; I will always love him." Peggy said looking right at Don and Meryl. "Even though that bitch stole him away from me and he cheated on me with her."

Don was furious. "MIKE!"

"OBJECTION!" Mike exclaimed as he gathered papers. "This shows that Peggy and Donald Gummer were divorced in 1967. Here is Don's marriage certificate with his wife, Meryl Gummer, from 1978. These are also paternity results showing Donald Gummer is NOT the father of her baby. Don lived here in 1967 when his marriage to the witness broke up. In 1967 his wife, Meryl Gummer, was just graduating from high school in New Jersey. It's IMPOSSIBLE. Here are also reports of Peggy Gummer's NUMEROUS affairs when she and Don were married."

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