Chapter 27

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Meryl and Don were just outside of Mason's Island and Meryl was driving. Don was trying to keep up happy and light conversation the whole way there. Which was unusual. It was usually Meryl who kept up the conversation. He knew how he felt but he couldn't imagine how she felt. He wanted to try to keep her spirits up and do anything he could to make sure Mann NEVER got to his wife or children. It literally made him sick to think about that psycho ejaculating on his wife's intimate apparel. Items that only he and Meryl should have been privy to. He knew if he went off about it then that would only upset her further and that was the last thing he wanted. He still wanted to make sure she was alright. "How you doing, beautiful?"

"I'm okay." Meryl said glancing over at him and giving him a weak smile. "I'm just ready for all of us to be together."

Don nodded as he massaged her neck. "Me too. I was thinking that maybe the three of us could have a picnic lunch out by the river on the cliff before Henry's nap. Then we could all nap together."

"I'd like that." Meryl said as she parked the car in front of her parents' house. "Leave the stuff, Dad can help later, I just want to see my boy."

Don grabbed her hand once they both got out of the car. "I'm right here."

"So funny." Meryl mocked him as they walked into the house. "Hello?!"

Don and Meryl then saw their boy toddling in from the den and towards them. "MA! MA!"

"There's Mama's boy." Meryl said scooping him up, inhaling his scent and placing kisses all over his face. "Mama sure did miss you, Gippy. I love you so so so much."

Don's heart hurt at the thought of that psycho trying to take their biggest gifts away from them. Don leaned over and placed kisses on Henry's face and ruffled his hair. "Daddy missed you too. We sure love you, Henry Wolfe."

"Come on in, kids." Harry Streep said from the entry way of the den.

As they walked in Mary greeted all of them. "Good to have you here."

"We couldn't wait to get to him." Meryl said not letting Henry down.

Don sat next to Meryl and Henry on the couch. "We've sure missed this little guy."

"He's missed you, too." Mary smiled. "We are so glad  you are progressing, Don.

Don smiled. "Thanks, me too. Still a long ways to go. We really appreciate you letting us stay here while things calm down; and until we get moved."

"This will always be Meryl's home." Harry smiled.

Meryl reached out and grabbed Don's hand. "Which means it's your home, too."

"Absolutely." Mary smiled. "While you're here you and Meryl can leave Henry with us whenever you want."

Harry nodded in agreement with his wife. "In fact, leave him with us tonight. Go out to dinner. Stay out as long as you want."

"NO!" Meryl exclaimed as she held Henry tighter to her. "We are NOT going anywhere without Henry!"

Don put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Mer, they're just..."

"No!" Meryl said again before walking out. "We are NOT leaving him again."

Mary was shocked as she watched her daughter storm out of the den. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply anything."

"It's not you." Don sighed thinking about how Mann had threatened to take their son away from them. Don proceeded to tell her parents everything that happened that day. "I'm not sure how much she wants me to tell you, but I thought you two should know the latest. They are NOT taking him from us. I'm not going to let Mann and his bastard lawyer do that; or to discredit her name and paint her as a fucking adulterer which is the last thing in the world she would do. I know that."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now