Chapter 20

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Don woke up with a smile on his face; not for the reason he usually woke up with a smile on his face but a good night's sleep with his wife next to him and not in a hospital room was just what he needed. Though they couldn't be intimate yet, he was just happy to have spent the whole day alone with her the day before and to fall asleep with his hands on her stomach that sheltered and nourished their baby. His smile faded and he moaned in disappointment when he realized she was no longer next to him. He carefully got out of bed, put on a stocking cap and went in search of her. He knew no one besides her would see his bald head in the hotel room but he was self conscious. He first looked in the bathroom worried that morning sickness had finally hit her; but she wasn't there. He was so glad she wasn't as sick this time around as she was with Henry. He knew how much she loved being pregnant but he just hated that it made her so sick. His search finally led him to the sitting room where he saw her sitting on the sofa talking on the phone, it quickly became apparent who the subject of the phone call was: Kevin Mann.

"I don't know, Larry." Meryl sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Larry sighed. "M, I know you're worried about Don; but the sooner we talk strategy the sooner we can get the trial set. The sooner we can get the trial over with then the sooner we can put Mann away forever."

"I know; and I want that more than anyone. He almost killed my husband, Larry." Meryl choked.

Larry felt for her. "I know, M."

"He really can't get worked up; he can't afford any setbacks." Meryl sighed as Don's heart swelled with love for her over how worried she was about him. "You know this will lead to talking about his father and that will just work him up. Can you just talk to me? I can come by myself then you and I can do everything we need to do. Protect Don."

Don had heard enough as he walked over to her and took the phone from her, giving her a weak smile to show he wasn't upset. "Hey Larry, it's me. She and I will come talk to you, together. We will do whatever we need to do to put this fucker behind bars forever, together."

"I knew she wouldn't be coming by herself." Larry laughed. "Don, I am just as worried about you as Meryl is. You need to stay calm. You need to do that for her, for Henry, for the baby and you need to do it for yourself. I promise, I am going to make sure he is put away forever; but you can't let him distract you from putting him away forever with your father. My dad is keeping an eye on James and we have a new order against him. You just need to focus on your family."

Don nodded as he picked up Meryl's hand and kissed it. "I will on all accounts. Would 10 this morning work for us to come over? We found an apartment we would like to look at today so we can do that after."

"See you then." Larry nodded.

Meryl turned to him as he hung up the phone. "That was pretty heavy handed of you, Mr. Gummer, to take the phone out of my hand."

"Well, Mrs. Gummer." Don said with a kiss to her lips. "I know you were just trying to protect me and I love you for it. You aren't going through this alone. I will keep calm, I promise. This is about Mann and putting him away forever. Like Larry just said to me, Mann is trying to take attention from him and distract us by putting the heat on my father; and I won't let that happen. Our family's safety and well-being is at stake. There's a new order on James and Mike is watching him. This is about making sure Mann never comes near you, Henry or the baby EVER again."

Meryl ran her hand over his stocking cap. "Or you." She said with a kiss to his lips. "Thank you for being with me but I don't want you to overdo."

"I won't, sweetheart." Don promised her. "We will set up a time to go look at this dream apartment, go see Larry, go see this possible new apartment, grab some lunch..."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now