Chapter 37

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Meryl woke up contented in her husbands arms until she realized it was their last full day in Florence. The next day they would be boarding Larry's private jet and head back to New York. The few times they had called to check in with her parents they reported that the move was going well and they should be all settled by the time they got back. It was hard for her to believe that when they got back they would go to their new apartment. They were also shocked and over the moon for what they got for their old place. They were excited to pay for their new place in full and pay off their Millerton place. She knew that signified a new start for them; just as this magnificent week had given them. She knew that their family tried to get them settled as much as possible but there would still be the placing of different things. There would also be Don's studio to set up which he kept saying he wasn't worried about. He couldn't work anyway. He just wanted to spend the days before the trial with her and Henry being a normal, boring, family. As Meryl thought about going back she didn't have time to get focused on the fear of the unknown because it was then that she felt the most wonderful set of lips to ever touch her skin kiss her neck as he moved her hair out of the way. "Morning, beautiful."

"Hey there, handsome." Meryl said turning into his arms as she placed a sweet good morning kiss on them. "How's my guy?"

Don intertwined his legs with hers as he stroked her cheek. "You're asking me that after last night? You, Mrs. Gummer, are so fucking hot. I think you learned some new moves."

"Just did some reading up for my husband; gotta keep him interested and satisfied." Meryl flirted with him.

Don knew she was flirting and teasing but he got serious. "That is something you NEVER have to worry about; EVER."

"You were AMAZING, as always, my love." Meryl said almost wistfully.

Don smiled as he kissed her lips. "We're still going to be like this when we get home."

"What?" Meryl asked as she saw the knowing look on his face. "How did you..."

Don kissed her forehead. "The way you were stroking my arm when you woke up; it's something you do when you are deep in thought and worried. You sometimes forget, Mary, that I know you better than anyone."

"I'm so fucking grateful for that." Meryl choked then tried to pull herself out of the sadness she was suddenly feeling. "What do you want to do today?"

Don laughed as he didn't get a chance to answer from hearing their son down the hall. "MA! DA! UP! UP!"

"Well, I'll get him and fix breakfast while you shower; since I guess we slept through our window to shower together." Don said with one last kiss to her lips as they got out of bed. "Then I just want to spend the day walking and eating and playing with you and Henry."

Meryl placed her hands on his robe after he put it on. "Then tonight, Mommy and Daddy can have their own special play time."


The day had been absolutely blissful. They spent the day out and about. They ate both lunch and dinner out in the city. In between times they visited galleries and museums whenever Henry was asleep in his stroller. When he was awake they treated him with gelato and fun in all of the best parks that Florence had to offer. Both Don and Meryl were soaking up the much needed family time knowing that not long after they returned home the trial would soon begin. When they got back to the apartment they bathed Henry and put him down together. Don knew she had been on her feet probably more than she should have and encouraged her to go relax while he finished packing. With a thank you kiss to his lips Meryl went to do just that.


As Don was finishing their packing he couldn't stop thinking about his wife. While it was an amazing day spent as a family he couldn't help but notice how quiet and withdrawn Meryl seemed to have gotten as the night went on. He remembered how she was so deep in thought that morning when she woke up; but thankfully he was able to take her mind off things during the day. However, as the night went on that same withdrawn look had returned to her face. Don looked around and was happy with what he had accomplished and went out to be with his wife; having a feeling she shouldn't be alone.

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now