Chapter 39

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As the sun peeked in through the blinds Don smiled when he saw his wife was still asleep cuddled up to his side which he was grateful for. Though she didn't say too much he could see it in her eyes how scared she was when she couldn't find him and Henry. He wanted to do something for her to ease her fears as he knew she was dreading the trial the next week, which he was as well, and there had been so much change and upheaval lately. He also knew she was sad that they were already moving Henry out of his crib even though they will soon have another baby who will sleep in the crib. Don's thoughts took him to "their" journal she gave him the night before and he smiled as he opened it to the first entry-the night they officially met in that screening room. He looked at the date of the entry and thought it couldn't be. He then grabbed his watch from his nightstand to look at the date and realized it really was. As he looked down again at his wife sleeping beside him he had a plan and if it all worked out like he hoped he knew it would be spectacular.


After spending some time cuddling once Meryl woke up, they spent some time with Henry having breakfast. As Don went to put Henry down for his morning nap Meryl went to shower. Once Henry was down Don began to put his plan in action. Once the place and everything was secure, which he couldn't believe it was available, he was hoping he could join her in the shower. All that was left was to figure out childcare for Henry. Don headed into the bathroom in their bedroom hoping to join her for her shower.


Meryl got out of the shower and looked out her naked form in the mirror and sighed. It was starting. Her stomach was stretching. Her breasts were changing. The stretch marks were appearing. Her face was becoming fuller. As much as Meryl loved being pregnant this part of it really got her down. She knew Don said how beautiful she was when she was pregnant but she was still worried. She just knew she wanted to remain desirable to him cause the thought of not being so tore her heart apart.


Don walked into the bathroom and smiled at the sight of his beautiful, sexy, sensual and pregnant wife standing in front of the mirror. He immediately thought of only one thing and that was drawing her. He was already missing his drawing but then he thought that wasn't her anymore. That was a different woman in that picture he sketched. The woman standing in front of him had grown into such an amazing wife, mother, actress, activist and human being. A woman he fell deeper in love with every damn day. He was afraid to ask her though considering the reason he no longer had his first drawing and he knew she was still raw from everything that bastard did to her; so the last thing in the world he wanted was to say something and make her feel pressured or uncomfortable. He didn't realize he had been staring until he heard his wife's soft voice, almost a whisper. "Pretty gross, huh?"

"What?" Don asked as he was still distracted by his thoughts as his wife covered herself with her robe. "Not at all...ummm." Don didn't want her to feel insecure at all but he didn't want to reveal to her what he was thinking about because the last thing he wanted was to make her feel unsafe or pressured. Luckily he was saved by Henry crying. "I'll go check on him."

Meryl waited until he was out of the room until she let her tears flow. She tried not to go into hysterical sobs but failed. The way he was spaced out when she was trying to talk to him. Normally he would have jumped on her but he didn't. He just stood there silently staring and scrutinizing her. Meryl shakily raised her hands to wipe her tears away as she looked into the mirror. "I'm already losing him."


After Don got Henry back to sleep he went and called his sister-in-law, Maeve. Everything else for her surprise was coming together perfectly now he just needed to make sure someone could watch their son. As much as they treasured time with Henry, he also knew time alone as a couple was incredibly important and that would be hard to come by once the baby was here. Don finished telling Maeve his plans. "Well, what do you think?"

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now