Chapter 13

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Meryl looked at Don and brought his hand up to her lips. "We're ready we just want to know."

"I just want these fucking episodes to stop." Don croaked. "It's upsetting my wife and me; and we have enough stress. Me going into these episodes need to STOP!"

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips. "They will, baby. So, Dr. Abbott?"

"Not cancer." Dr. Abbott smiled widely. "It is a blood clot causing the lesions which would have been caused by your head trauma the other night. I am adding this to your file for the police, just something else to nail him on."

Meryl smiled at Don with tears in her eyes. "It's not cancer, Don. I told you that these episodes weren't you."

"You were right." He winked but then got serious. "Cut them out."

Meryl looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?"

"I don't care if you have to drill holes in my head and cut on my brain. Get these damn things out of there. They are changing me. They are making me into a person I don't want my wife and son around." Don choked breaking Meryl's heart. "I want them out...NOW!"

Meryl turned to him and gently ran her fingers through his hair. "Baby, these episodes don't last long and you haven't hurt me. I don't want your head drilled again. Don Man, your brain is still healing from your fucking father."

"Okay, you two, calm down." Dr. Abbott smiled. "Meryl is right, I don't want you to have brain surgery, and it's a clot."

Don sighed. "Well, then what?"

"We will dissolve it with medicines, blood thinners. That is the best and most effective form of treatment." Dr. Abbott explained.

Meryl was relieved he wouldn't have surgery again. "That's it? That will work?"

"How long?" Don asked as both Meryl and Dr. Abbott gave him a quizzical look. "How long will it take before these episodes go away?"

Dr. Abbott knew that would be his question. "First of all, Meryl, yes that's it and it should work. The nurse will be in soon to start you on them. I want to do a scan in a few days to make sure it works. Hopefully you won't have them anymore, Don, but if you do they should stop in the next few days. The good thing is you KNOW you are having them. I know you can't stop them; there is a medical reason for them. We all know it. Besides, Meryl has been able to bring you around pretty quickly."

"And before you say it, Donald Gummer, I am NOT going anywhere. You would NEVER hurt me or Henry physically even in these episodes. IF, IF, you do say something that emotionally hurts me I know it isn't you, baby. It will be over soon. I am NOT going anywhere." Meryl said strongly.

Don gave her a weak smile. "Alright, you heard the woman. We are ready to get this show on the road and get rid of them."

"We'll start the medicines soon." Dr. Abbott said. "As you two probably noticed we decided to take the tubes out from Don's neck while he was under. That way we won't have to put him under again. Don, how are you feeling?"

Don carefully nodded his head. "Well, I'm still drugged so that's good. I'm glad to have those damn tubes out but it still hurts to move too much and talk at times."

"It will." Dr. Abbott told him. "You need to be so careful and will get winded easily."

Don sighed. "Yeah, I figured. I noticed the catheter is still in."

"I don't want you up yet. It will stay in for another day or so while you get stronger." Dr. Abbott explained.

Meryl nodded her understanding. "Whatever is best for him we will do. What about eating and drinking? The nurse wanted him to but it really hurt."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now