Chapter 10

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Larry walked in to his best friend's hospital room and smiled at the sight before him: Don asleep with Meryl sitting in the recliner holding his hand and her head resting on their hands. He didn't know how she slept like that but he also knew that is the only place in the world she would be. He hated to wake her up but they needed to talk about the case. He carefully shook her awake. "Meryl, it's Larry."

"Huh? Don?!" Meryl woke up in a start.

Larry gave her a reassuring smile and pointed to Don. "He's sleeping. I'm sorry to wake you up but the police are here to talk to you and Don."

"Now?" Meryl sighed as she kissed Don's hand, happy he was asleep. "He went through hell last night, Larry; and they are here to question him? They got everything on tape."

Larry sighed. "You went through hell as well. Yes, they did but they need a verbal statement from both of you."

"I don't want to wake him up." Meryl said looking at her sleeping husband. "What if I give my statement? Can that hold them off on questioning Don? He's still on heavy duty pain killers, Larry. Hell, he just came out of amnesia not that long ago."

Larry nodded. "I'll see what I can do. They're in the waiting room across the hall. Can you come over? It looks like he will be out for awhile."

"Okay; but I don't want to be gone long from him." Meryl nodded and she bent down to kiss Don, carefully, on the lips and almost teared up at the small smile that appeared on his lips. "I love you, Don Man, we'll be right back."


"You did good, M." Larry said as the finished detailing her husband's attack to the police officer.

Meryl gave him a tight smile. "I know you have everything on tape, but can you tell me if Don is in trouble? He didn't do anything wrong at all. He was trying to protect me and our son. I mean that bastard broke into out apartment with a gun ready to kill Don! He almost strangled him to death..."

"Mrs. Gummer." The officer stopped her. "It was all self-defense. Your husband is not in any legal trouble. We have it all recorded."

Meryl nodded as she wiped her tears. "I just wouldn't forgive myself if something ELSE were to happen to him. I mean, this is bad enough."

"Meryl, this is why we're doing this." Larry explained. "To protect all of you."

Meryl sighed in huge relief. "I know, it's just been an awful weekend. Especially the last 12 hours. Do you have to question him today? He's barely been out of surgery for 8 hours. He was confused and had some amnesia. He's on some heavy duty pain medication."

"As his lawyer I request that you wait at least another 24 hours." Larry said to the officer. "It is in the best interest of my patient, medically speaking. If I have to get a signed affidavit from his doctor stating that then I will."

The officer took pity on Don and Meryl. "I will process this paperwork from Mrs. Gummer and will be back tomorrow."

"Confidentiality and gag order on ANYTHING related to this case; correct, Patrick? I swear if ANY of this is leaked my office will take on your precinct." Larry said getting his point across.

The officer got up as he closed his folder. "I understand and you don't need to worry. Larry, I'll let you know before I come back tomorrow to take Mr. Gummer's statement so you can be present. Thank you."

"Thank you." Meryl said to the officer.

Larry turned to Meryl. "How are you doing?"

"Honestly?" Meryl asked with a cynical laugh. "I'm exhausted and need a shower; but I wouldn't be anywhere else in the world."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now