Chapter 25

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"You're pretty quiet." Don said looking over at his wife as she sat in a chair across from him in the doctor's examination room while he was sitting, clothed, on the exam table.

Meryl shrugged her shoulders as she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I'm just anxious."

"Baby, come here." Don said reaching out his arms and she walked into them so he could hold her by the waist. "I'm fine, I promise."

Don wiped away a stray tear as it silently made it's way down her cheek. "You don't know that."

"Yeah baby, I do." Don said as he pulled her head down to tenderly kiss her lips. "I'm not taking pain pills anymore. I'm not dizzy or nauseous or having headaches anymore."

Meryl nodded. "You still tire easily; and get winded."

"Well, yeah, I just need to get my stamina back." Don said. "I even have some prickly hairs showing up."

Meryl wiped away more tears. "I don't care about that."

"Sweetheart." Don said scooting over on the table pulling her down next to him. "I know how awful and scary all of this has been but I'm really okay. By tonight we will be at your parents with Henry and I'm going to rock your world."

Don finally got a laugh out of Meryl when she knew what he was insinuating. "You always do, Don Man, sex or no sex."

"Oh, there WILL be sex." Don said winking. "I promise you that."

Meryl shook her head with a smile as she tenderly kissed his lips. "You always keep your promises."

"Damn straight." Don said as he placed her hand between his legs.

Meryl quickly removed her hand, laughing, as she looked towards the door. "I do love how horny you are."

"Then get ready, baby cakes." Don teased; happy and relieved to see the smile appear on her lips once again. Dr. Abbott then walked in as Don felt Meryl tighten her hold on his hand. "I'm perfect, right Dr. Abbott?"

Meryl couldn't help but laugh. "I love you, Don Man, but you weren't perfect to begin with."

"That's not what you say when..." Don said with a huge smirk on his face.

Meryl blushed as she quickly slapped her hand over his mouth. "DONALD!" Meryl then looked at the doctor. "Seriously, Hal. How is my husband?"

"No lesions or clots and no bone chips." Dr. Abbott said happily.

Don breathed a huge sigh of relief. Regardless of trying to ease Meryl's fears, deep down inside he was terrified he would have lesions that would cause those bone chilling episodes. He raised her hand and kissed the back of it. "Thank God."

"Swelling?" Meryl asked. "The skull crack? His windpipe."

Dr. Abbott put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "No swelling. His skull is slowly healing, it just takes time especially after just having healed from the fall."

"His windpipe?" Meryl asked again.

Don kissed her cheek. "He'll get to it, Darl."

"I'm sorry." Meryl said placing her other hand on her slightly swollen belly. "It's just..."

Dr. Abbott empathized with them. "It's been a lot, I know. His windpipe is healing nicely according to the scans and tests. You'll still get winded easily."

"I'm released?" Don asked hopefully.

Dr. Abbott chuckled. "Not quite. No strenuous activity. No picking up Henry. Don's walk for long lengths at once. I'd like you to stay off work for another three weeks. You can resume intimate activities, if you know what I mean. Just don't get too ambitious."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now