Chapter 53

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"How is he?" Meryl cried. She knew after looking at the doctor that this wasn't going to be good. "I can't lose him, Hal. I've always known that I can't lose him but these last few days..."

Meryl held her daughter as she broke down. "Sweetheart, let's listen to what Dr. Abbott has to say. We are going to do everything we can for Don. We aren't losing him."

"Meryl, we're always straight forward with each other. I know you have been to hell and back then to hell again but I'm going to be honest." Dr. Abbott said taking her hand. "It's serious. He has bullet fragments in his heart and lungs and spine. The GOOD news is the bullet did exit. He has lost a lot of blood and we need you to sign papers so we can start the transfusions."

Meryl broke down crying. "Can you save him? You have to, Hal, he saved me. I need to make sure he has every chance in the world; just as he's always given me every chance in the world."

"I have the best surgeons on the East Coast here at the hospital and they are scrubbing up. We will remove the bullet fragments from his heart and lungs and spine and repair any damage. As you know, these are very critical and sensitive areas. He is in the best hands. I do need you to sign these papers for surgery." Dr. Abbott said handing her the papers.

Maeve noticed how Meryl was shaking even more and broke down crying. "Mer, we want to give Don every chance."

"Just like he always does for me." Meryl sobbed then looked at Dr. Abbott. "What if he doesn't have this surgery? What if he just has the transfusion? Can we just try that first?"

Dr. Abbott got closer to her. "Meryl, he HAS to have this surgery. It is his only chance. If not he will end up a vegetable. Yes, this is a scary and risky surgery but I have faith in Don."

"I have all the faith in the world in him." Mary said holding her daughter close.

Maeve smiled. "I do too."

"I have more faith in him than anything." Meryl cried as she signed the papers. "Please just bring him back to me, Hal. I know you won't be performing the surgery but you'll stay with him?"

Dr. Abbott nodded. "Yes, I will. And will update you and the family. Meryl, you need to finish your exam and get the treatment you need. Don may have been shot but you have been through living hell. You know Don wouldn't forgive any of us if we didn't make you get a complete examination."

"I know." Meryl said wiping her tears and taking deep breaths.

Dr. Abbott reached into his pocket on his lab coat. "I thought you might want this."

"My wedding ring!" Meryl cried as she took her wedding ring and immediately put it on. "Can he keep his on?"

Dr. Abbott smiled. "Yeah, it will be fine. He had your wedding ring on his pinky finger."

"He hasn't taken it off since he found it in that phone booth." Mary explained.

Meryl cried even harder. "I don't have any doubt about that. I need to see him, Hal."

"Honey, he's unconscious. We need to get him to surgery and you need checked out." Dr. Abbott explained.

Meryl knew they wouldn't let her see him so she started devising a plan. "You'll tell him I love him and am waiting for him? Please tell him that and also please tell him that Hen and I are fine because of him; that the baby is fine. We're not going anywhere."

"I'll tell him and will update you just as soon as I can." Dr. Abbott said with a kiss to her cheek. "Take care of you. He's in good hands."

Meryl watched as Dr. Abbott walked out of the room and collapsed against her mother in tears as Mary tried to console her. "He's going to be just fine."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now