Chapter 82

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"Mr. Gummer, I would like to remind you that you are still under oath." Judge Garrison said.

Don took a deep breath and looked at his wife giving him an assuring, yet nervous, smile. He then sighed in relief when he saw Maggie come sit by her and hug her. "I understand, your honor."

"Thank you for being here." Meryl said to Maggie. "He did great when Mike questioned him; but I really wasn't worried about that."

Maggie nodded. "He's turned into an amazing man; one we are all very proud of."

"Me too." Meryl said playing with her wedding band. "He is an amazing person."

Tisdale got up. "Mr. Gummer, why do you hate your father so much?"

"I believe between my wife's and mine testimonies I have explained that. He has beat me my whole life. He played a role in my wife and son's kidnapping and my wife's rape. He has tried to break us up too many times. He has NEVER said a positive word to me. I used to want my father to love me and be proud of me. I couldn't care less now." Don sighed; already tired of Tisdale's questioning.

Tisdale continued on. "You have a father, a mother and several brothers. Why wasn't that family good enough? Why have this so called chosen family? Why push them aside for some pussy?"

"Oh, shit." Meryl gasped as she held tightly onto Maggie's hand.

Don leaned forward. "Excuse me? My wife is a RAPE VICTIM and you have the fucking nerve to refer to her in that way? That is why we have fucking rapists because of reducing women to that vulgar term."

"Don, calm down." Larry said.

Don was furious as Mike jumped up. "Objection! That was completely uncalled for!"

"I agree, counselor." Judge Garrison said. "Rephrase the last question."

Tisdale nodded. "Why push your family aside for some woman?"

"First of all, she is not just 'SOME WOMAN.' She is my heart and my soul and my life. She has saved me from an abusive family. That is what I feel when I'm around my Indianapolis Gummer family; their hatred and abuse. I have never felt respected or supported or even love from my family. My 'chosen family' and my wife have stood by me during the worst times of my life and have loved me through them; while my Gummer family has created those awful times." Don choked looking at Meryl.

Tisdale continued to dig into Don. "So what happens when your wife can't fuck you anymore and you've thrown your family away? What then Mr. Gummer?"

"Larry!" Meryl cried when she saw Don get up. "STOP HIM!"

Larry ran over to Don and held him back. "Think of Meryl and Henry and your baby."

"I am so tired of my fucking gender making everything about fucking sex!" Don exclaimed. "My wife was battered so badly she had to be restitched, AGAIN, before we came here. Every time that happens I hold her in my arms while she cries out from the pain. The pain she has to endure because some men make EVERYTHING about sex. I am NOT like that. When I say my wife is EVERYTHING to me, I mean she is EVERYTHING to me; sex is the furthest thing from my mind. I just want her by my side until I take my last fucking breath. There won't be a day that passes that I would EVER regret protecting her and my children from my dysfunctional family, Mr. TISDALE!"

The judge was smacking his gavel. "That's enough, Tisdale. My chambers NOW! Mr. Gummer, you won't be asked anymore questions. You can go to your wife."

"Don." Meryl cried as he ran over and held her in his arms. "I love you so much."

Don was placing kiss after kiss into her hair as he closed his eyes at the feeling of her trembling in his arms. "I love you so damn much. He is a fucking prick."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now