Chapter 18

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"We're what?" Don was trying to follow. "You took a test not that long ago."

Meryl smiled at the perplexed look on his face. "False negative. The doctor who checked me out last night told me that's a regular occurrence for home tests. I'm at the end of my first trimester. I guess this baby will be nicer to me than Hen was."

"We're having a baby!" Don said excitedly as he pulled her face to his. Yeah, it created pain but he didn't care. As they pulled away he pressed his forehead against hers. "How? When?"

Meryl laughed as she pulled away slightly and dried his joyful tears. "How? Should I explain that to you?"

"I might need a reminder when I'm well." Don winked.

Meryl was so happy that this cheered him up like she knew it would. She was just trying to find the right time. "That is a promise I am happy to make. As it turns out we didn't even need to practice. I got pregnant immediately on New Year's Eve; our first time after I stopped taking the pill."

"I do like practicing though." Don smirked.

Meryl couldn't resist his delicious lips. "Me too, baby, ALOT."

"So, end of December which means you're due..." Don was trying to figure it out but was still incredibly fuzzy.

Meryl's smiled grew even wider as a fresh set of happy tears appeared in her eyes. "September 30th."

"Our anniversary." Don beamed.

Meryl smiled. "Yeah, seems pretty perfect."

"I'm so sorry you were alone when you found out, when you collapsed. I would have given anything to be with you." Don said as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Meryl nodded. "I know baby, but Mom was with me. I made her promise not to tell ANYONE. I hated you wouldn't be the first one to know."

"I bet she's about to pop." Don laughed. 

Meryl nodded her head. "You know my mother and how we make her..."

"The most beautiful grandbabies." Don finished the statement he heard over and over.

Meryl laughed. "I hated you weren't with me to hear the heartbeat and everything but you were right where we needed you to be. You were fighting for yourself, for me, for Henry, for this baby and for our lives."

"Oh my God!" Don exclaimed as he came down from his high. "You need to be checked out...NOW!"

Meryl sensed the mood shift and cupped his head in her heads. "Sweetheart, I was that's how I know when I'm due. All my levels are perfect. They did a pelvic and everything is fine. Here look."

"Is that?" Don asked as Meryl handed him the black and white photo from her bag.

Meryl nodded with tears in her eyes. "That's our baby. As much as I wished you were there with me I insisted on having an ultrasound not only to put your mind at ease but so you could see him or her. Unfortunately, insurance won't pay for it."

"I don't care." Don said looking at the picture. "Meryl, I hurt you, I pushed you and you're carrying my baby."

Meryl sighed as she hated they were back to this. "You didn't hurt me, Don Man. Everything is perfect."

"I need to see it with my own two eyes. I need to know I didn't hurt you or our baby. I'm not going to be able to relax until I know that. I need to take the best care possible of you and our baby." Don choked.

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips and then pulled away. "If this will make you calm down and rest then we will do it. I wanted you there with me anyway."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now